

Our school offers an Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in kinesiology. 

Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc)

In the Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc) programs, you'll examine issues and questions related to kinesiology. These programs will provide you with pre-professional training to help you pursue a career in  physical and occupational therapy, medicine and health-related fields.  

What's the difference between an MA and MSc in kinesiology?

While both the MA and MSc programs include a number of the same courses and cover similar areas of research, there a few key differences between the two that may help you decide which program is best for you:

  • The MA program includes an option to complete a project or write and orally defend a thesis, while the MSc program requires you to write and orally defend a thesis for completion.
  • The MSc, on average, takes slightly longer to complete. The estimated program length is  2-3 years for an MSc, and 2-2.5 years for an MA.
  • Depending on the focus of your undergraduate degree, you may find one program more relevant to your interests and areas of expertise than the other. For example, if you completed a BSc, the MSc in kinesiology might be a better fit for you.

If you're unsure of which program is the best fit for you, please feel free to reach out to the School's for guidance.

Courses and program structure

As part of your Masters program, you'll take courses that will inspire and prepare you to engage in an in-depth research project or thesis. For a full list of required courses and electives, please refer to the Academic Calendar.

Co-operative education and work terms

Co-operative education is an optional addition to both the MA and MSc kinesiology programs. If you have questions about how you can alternate your coursework with paid work terms related to kinesiology, please contact the program's  .

How to apply

For detailed instructions on how to apply, please refer to our graduate programs homepage.

Funding, scholarships, and grants

As a kinesiology graduate student, you may be eligible for a range of funding opportunities, including conference and travel grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

In the PhD program, you'll develop the technical, intellectual and conceptual skills to conduct original research and critically examine literature in the area of physical activity and health in the context of schools, work, community and sport.

Graduates of the kinesiology (PhD) program play key leadership and research roles in institutions and the community. The areas of specialization within our PhD program are specific to the areas of interest and expertise outlined in our faculty profiles.

Courses and program structure

Your exact program of studies will be negotiated between yourself, your supervisor and the School’s graduate advisor prior to the beginning of your first academic year.

For a full list of program requirements and courses, please refer to the Academic Calendar.

Program schedule

A typical kinesiology (PhD) program schedule might look like the following:

Year Sep-Dec term Jan-Apr term May-Aug term
Year 1 2 elective courses

EPHE 673A doctoral seminar I

2 elective courses

Preparation for candidacy exam
Year 2 3 papers for candidacy exam

EPHE 673B doctoral seminar II

Papers continued
Dissertation proposal

Papers for candidacy exam
Year 3 & 4 EPHE 699 dissertation   EPHE 699 dissertation   EPHE 699 dissertation

How will I complete my dissertation?

Your dissertation will be completed in two phases: 1) the proposal phase and 2) the dissertation phase.

Phase 1. Dissertation proposal

  1. Written: You'll present a document outlining the content of the proposed dissertation to your supervisory committee.
  2. Oral: You'll present and defend your dissertation proposal before the supervisory committee.

Phase 2. Dissertation

You'll then write your dissertation according to the standards of the university and the research standards of the wider scientific community. As a final step, you'll defend your dissertation through an oral examination in front of an examining committee.

Co-operative education and work terms

Co-operative education is an optional addition to the the kinesiology (PhD) program. If you have questions about how you can alternate your coursework with paid work terms related to kinesiology, please contact the program's .

How to apply

For detailed instructions on how to apply, please refer to our graduate programs homepage.

Funding, scholarships, and grants

As a kinesiology graduate student, you may be eligible for a range of funding opportunities, including conference and travel grants, bursaries and scholarships.