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Past events

Dignitaries in full regalia on stage.



    • Engineering, Continuing Studies
    • Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
    • Human and Social Development, Law, Science
    • Gustavson School of Business, Education

    • Humanities
    • Continuing Studies
    • Engineering & Computer Science (undergraduate students only)
    • Education
    • Engineering & Computer Science (graduate students only)
    • Social Sciences: Economics, Environmental Studies & Political Science
    • Social Sciences: Anthropology, Psychology
    • Law
    • Science: Biochemistry & Microbiology
    • Social Sciences: Geography, Sociology
    • Science: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy
    • Human and Social Development: Child and Youth Care, Community Development, Dispute Resolution, Health Information Science, Indigenous Governance, Nursing, Public Administration, Public Health and Social Policy, Studies in Policy and Practice
    • Gustavson School of Business
    • Fine Arts
    • Human and Social Development
    • Social Work


    • Human and Social Development, Science, Continuing Studies
    • Business, Humanities
    • Fine Arts, Law, Social Sciences
    • Education, Engineering and Computer Science

    • Engineering & Computer Science (Graduate Studies), Fine Arts, Humanities
    • Engineering & Computer Science (Undergraduate Studies), Continuing Studies
    • Education, Social Sciences (BSc)
    • Social Sciences (BA, diplomas & certificates, Graduate Studies)
    • Human & Social Development, Law
    • Gustavson School of Business, Science

    • Education, Social Sciences (Anthropology, Sociology)
    • Social Sciences (Political Science, Psychology)
    • Social Sciences (Economics, Environmental Studies, Geography)
    • Law, Humanities
    • Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy), Continuing Studies
    • Gustavson School of Business, Fine Arts, Science (Biochemistry, Microbiology)
    • Engineering and Computer Science
    • Human and Social Development


Visit the to view ceremonies from 2013-2021.