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What to expect on convocation day

We want you to enjoy your convocation from start to finish. Learn everything you need to know so that you'll be well-prepared when the day arrives.

Preparing for the day

Do I need to bring photo identification?

  • YES. You'll need to show your UVic ONECard to pick up regalia and also to check in for your ceremony.
  • If you don't have your ONECard, a government-issued photo ID is acceptable (e. g. driver's license, BC services card or passport).
  • We cannot accept a photocopy or digital image of your ID.

When should I arrive on campus?

  • Plan to arrive at least 2 hours before your ceremony, in case you have trouble getting to campus.
  • Arriving early will give you time to take photos in your regalia before the ceremony (after checking in).
  • If you arrive less than 1 hour before the ceremony, you may not have enough time to park, pick up your regalia and get to the ceremony location.
  • You'll enjoy the experience more if you aren't rushing around at the last minute!

What should I wear?

  • Wear comfortable shoes. You'll be standing, walking and navigating steep stairs, without handrails, in the auditorium.
    • If you indicated in your registration that you require accessibility accommodations, we'll contact you to discuss your needs.
  • The auditorium is usually very warm, so we recommend that you do not wear a suit jacket or sweater under your regalia robe.

Do you have a coat check?

  • YES. You can leave your coat, bag and valuables at the secure coat check room for graduates, and pick them up after the ceremony.

Is convocation scent and fragrance-free?

  • YES. For the health and comfort of other graduates and guests, please do not use products with scents or fragrances (e.g. colognes, perfumes, cosmetics, anti-perspirants, lotions, etc.).
  • Learn more about scents & fragrances at UVic and how you can help create a healthy environment on campus.

Should I eat before convocation?

  • YES. You should eat before you arrive, bring food that you can snack on while waiting for the ceremony to begin, or arrive early enough to grab a bite to eat on campus.
  • Ceremonies usually take up to 2 hours, and you won't have an opportunity to eat until afterward.

Can I bring items or take selfies on stage?

  • NO. Please be respectful of other graduates and refrain from any disruptive or distracting behavior during the ceremony. The behaviours include but are not limited to confetti cannons, scooters, taking selfies with members of the stage etc.
  • While these actions may seem fun and spontaneous, they can unintentionally negatively impact attendees and take away from the significance of the ceremony and the accomplishments of your fellow graduates.

Arriving on campus

Is parking free during convocation?

  • Yes. You'll receive a complimentary parking pass that you can use on the day of your ceremony.
  • Your parking pass will be emailed to you by the UVic Ticket Centre (with your guest tickets) or by UVic Ceremonies & Events.

Where do I park?

  • When you enter the campus, look for the signs directing you to available parking lots.
  • Your complimentary parking pass is valid for any of the general parking lots on the outside of Ring Road, including the CARSA Parkade.
    • Your parking pass does not apply to parking spaces marked as Reserved or the parking garage underneath the Jamie Cassels Centre.

How do I get extra guest tickets?

  • If extra tickets are available, they'll be released one hour before the start of a ceremony on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Instruct your guests to line up at the UVic Ticket Centre.

Before the ceremony

2 hours before: pick up your regalia

  • Pick up your regalia (gown, hood and cap) from A wing of the Jamie Cassels Centre. Bring your photo ID.

45 minutes to 2 hours before: check in

  • Go to the front entrance of C-Wing in the Clearihue building to check in and get your wristband. Bring your photo ID.
  • Staff will help students with putting on regalia.
  • Drop off your personal belongings at the secure coat check.

Do I have to use the coat check?

  • We recommend leaving anything that doesn't fit into your pockets at the coat check.
  • During the ceremony, you'll need to leave your seat to cross the stage and shouldn't leave any valuables behind. You might not return to the exact same spot.

Can I bring my cell phone into the ceremony?

  • Yes. However, we recommend leaving your cell phone at the coat check to avoid dropping it during the ceremony.
  • If you do bring your phone, make sure that it's set to Do Not Disturb. You don't want to be the person whose phone rings during the ceremony!

30-45 minutes before: prepare for your ceremony

  • Go to the patio entrance of Mystic Market and show your wristband to enter.
  • You'll be given a strip of paper with your name on it and a convocation program.
    • During the ceremony, you'll hand the strip of paper to the dean of your faculty, so that they can read your name out loud as you cross the stage.
    • If you're concerned about the pronunciation of your name, write the phonetic spelling on the strip of paper to help the dean say it correctly.
  • Staff will line students up in a specific order to walk into the Farquhar Auditorium.

At the ceremony

The procession

  • You'll be led into the auditorium and to your seat.
  • The ceremony will begin after all graduates have been seated.

The Pledge

  • Before the conferral, the chancellor will ask graduates to .
  • Graduates will respond together by reading The Pledge written on your program.

The conferral

  • You'll be led from your seat to line up at the side of the stage.
    • Bring the strip of paper with your name only (not your convocation program).
  • As you approach the podium, your name strip will be scanned and you'll receive your certificate/diploma/degree parchment before crossing the stage.

Crossing the stage (step by step)

  • When it's your turn, hand the strip of paper with your name to the dean and stand beside the podium.
  • When the dean says your name, walk to the middle of the stage.
  • Pause briefly in front of the Chancellor/President and place your hand over your heart.
  • Continue across the stage and enter the side wing for a photograph.
  • Return to your seat.
  • When the ceremony is over, you'll be led out of the auditorium to meet your guests.

  • When it's your turn, hand the strip of paper with your name to the dean and stand beside the podium.
  • When the dean says your name and reads your citation, walk to the middle of the stage.
  • Stop in front of the Chancellor/President and place your hand over your heart, then turn towards the audience.
  • Following your citation, your supervisor will place your hood over your head and onto your shoulders (from behind you).
  • Continue across the stage and enter the side wing for a photograph.
  • Return to your seat.
  • When the ceremony is over, you'll be led out of the auditorium to meet your guests.

See what the conferral process looks like for:

After the ceremony

Can I take photos in my regalia after the ceremony?

  • Yes, please do wear your regalia for photos!
  • We ask that you keep it as clean as possible and—though you may be tempted—please do not throw your cap into the air to avoid damaging it.

Where and when do I return my regalia?

  • Return your robe, cap and hood to A-Wing in the Jamie Cassels Centre before 5:30 p.m.

What's next?

  • Check out the information for new graduates on the Alumni website to learn how to stay connected with UVic and other alumni. There are more than 155,000 of us around the world!