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Learning Assistance Program

open text books being reviewed by two students

Our services

The UVic Learning Assistance Program (LAP) connects you with specialized tutors and learning strategists for one-on-one, personalized learning support.

The following LAP services are available to all UVic students:

  • specialized tutor program
  • learning strategist program
  • study solutions program
  • funding

Specialized tutor program

Meet a trained, graduate-level tutor for weekly support on campus or online.

They will help you:

  • master course content
  • draw on your individual learning strengths
  • learn about UVic's departmental standards and expectations for exams and assignments

What to expect:

  • regular weekly meetings with your LAP tutor throughout the term
  • additional support from LAP coordinators as needed
  • access to graduate-level tutors with training in modern learning theory, effective strategies and a strength-based approach

Learning strategist program

The learning strategist program connects you with a trained learning strategist.

They will help you:

  • navigate your learning across the semester
  • identify and apply your strengths
  • develop personalized learning strategies that you can apply to your courses

What to expect:

  • regular weekly sessions with your learning strategist to set and meet your academic goals
  • learn and personalize evidence-based techniques for time management, reading, writing and test preparation

Study solutions program

The study solutions program provides free drop-in academic support based on your learning strengths and goals.

We can help you with:

  • setting and achieving academic goals
  • time management
  • stress management and exam anxiety
  • memory and fluency
  • concept mapping
  • problem solving
  • essay, paper and report writing


If you are approved for a student loan and have a permanent or chronic disability, you may be eligible for funding to cover the costs of LAP.

Find out what services you are eligible for.

Need help?

Email us for more information.