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Parents & families

The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) provides services to students with disabilities and supports instructors with accommodating students facing barriers to learning.

An accommodation is the mitigation of a barrier to students' equal access to classes, programs and coursework.

Note: diagnosis of a disability or chronic illness does not guarantee academic accommodations. These get determined on a case-by-case basis.


To find out if your student qualifies, visit CAL’s registration page. You will also learn more about the medical documentation requirements and how to access the online pre-intake form.

Note: although CAL staff can help new students navigate the process, your student should manage their own accommodations.

How to support your student

To get involved in your student’s transition to university:

  • familiarize yourself with the campus, the available resources and your student’s program
  • help your student identify and access resources by:
    • discussing how they will handle situations
    • helping role-play discussions with a professor, roommate or classmate
  • help your student identify and apply their strengths to challenging areas
  • talk with your student to find out how involved they want you to be
    • staff must have a student's permission to disclose information to others, including parents
    • establish an information-sharing arrangement you are all comfortable with

Other resources

  • The provides specialized services that orient non-sighted students around campus and areas. You can contact them at: 250-595-1100. Please give staff advanced notice for travel training requests
  • To find a personal care attendant, connect with the local health authority. UVic does not recruit or train personal care attendants.
  • If your student needs a wheelchair or scooter, contact the program for short- or long-term loans.