Alternative text formats
If you have a print-based disability, you can access your texts and course packs in different formats, including:
- text-to-speech software to listen to electronic versions of text material
- magnification software to enlarge documents
- refreshable braille display to read electronic text
To access alternative format materials, you must:
- be registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
- be eligible for the alternative text program as determined by your CAL advisor
- be registered in the course the text is for
- provide proof of purchase of the text(s)
Your CAL advisor will help determine if you are eligible during your intake appointment.
How the program works
Email our coordinator of alternative text or call 250-472-5424 if you need your required textbooks or other required course materials in a different format.
The coordinator will:
- process your text requests
Your instructor will:
- submit your text requests to the bookstore as early as possible
Note that it can take up to 8 weeks to access some alternative format textbooks.
Course reserves & library materials
The McPherson Library will help you with alternative formats of the library materials you need, including course reserves. The library subscribes to electronic text services that provide full text versions of some texts, articles and journals.