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Five-function calculator for exams

The student experiences a barrier related to basic numerical operations and may use a five-function calculator during exams when calculators are not usually allowed. For example, a student may have a math-specific learning disability or may have low vision and be unable to effectively record steps of computation.

The basic numerical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. A five-function calculator does not include trigonometric or logarithmic functions.

The CAL Assessment Program provides eligible students with five-function calculators for exams scheduled with in the Centre.

The student鈥檚 responsibilities

The student must provide their own calculator unless you choose to do so.

Your responsibilities

Allow the student to use a five-function calculator during exams unless basic numerical operations are essential learning outcomes.

Contact the CAL advisor if basic numerical operations are an essential learning outcome.

Notify the CAL Assessment Program and OREM Accommodated Assessments when requesting invigilation services if calculators are not allowed for students with the accommodation.

How to help

Determine if basic numerical operations are essential requirements in the course. If the learning outcomes of the course are higher-level mathematical concepts, then basic operations are not essential.

Allow all students to use a five-function calculator for the exam so that implementing an individual accommodation is not necessary.