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Collect and address feedback

We are committed to collecting and addressing feedback from all members of our community.

How we are advancing this priority

A publicly available and accessible online form.

Develop plans to monitor and address feedback. Publish an annual report summarizing feedback received, steps taken to address feedback, and future considerations.

Improve coordination between faculties, CAL and LTSI to support and address challenges of instructors.

Timeline and progress

We created an online feedback form for all members of our community, available June 2, 2023. 

The Accessibility Committee will meet periodically throughout the year to review feedback and make recommendations to UVic Executive.

In fall 2023, we will publish a summary of feedback received on the draft Accessibility Plan (from May to July 2023). Following that, we will publish an annual summary.

Our Accessibility Committee will continue to meet and consult community members as appropriate.