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We began campus-wide consultations on accessibility in 2022, through the campus-wide Equity Action Plan process. Specific to the Accessibility Plan, we have consulted faculty, staff and students through a combination of meetings, emails and online surveys. 

Groups and units consulted

  • Associate Deans, Chairs and Directors
  • Centre for Accessible Students
  • Co-op and Career Services
  • Deans’ Council and Academic Leadership
  • Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation
  • Equity and Human Rights
  • Executive Council
  • Faculty Association, PEA and CUPE unions
  • Graduate Students’ Society (GSS)
  • International Centre for Students
  • Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement
  • Society for Students with a Disability
  • 番茄社区 Students’ Society (UVSS)

Thank you to members of our community who generously shared their experiences and stories with us to help shape this plan. This input was crucial in creating a framework that represents the voices of our diverse community and in supporting an intersectional approach to this work.

Key discussion themes

Feedback was collected and themed as followed:

  • Culture
  • Education and resources
  • Student supports
  • Teaching, learning and research
  • Communication and information

During consultations, we heard a call for:

  • Improving the campus culture and attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Making accessibility tools, information and resources easier to find
  • Recognizing that accessibility is a shared responsibility
  • Improving the accessibility of the built environment
  • Continuing to make our processes and systems more accessible
  • Supporting instructors in universal course design

Our three-year plan reflects how we intend to respond to and address feedback gathered through consultations.