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We need a better understanding of our baseline, so we can measure progress in a transparent way.

How we will advance this priority

Conduct an audit of accessibility at UVic.

Survey key audiences and users on our services.

Include accessibility as part of the academic program review process.

Create a priority list of buildings for retrofitting.

Implement an accessibility lens on all new builds and renovations.

Through new infrastructure projects, meet or exceed Rick Hansen standards.

Additional information

This priority supports an Equity Action Plan goal:

Conduct a campus-wide gap analysis/needs assessment to understand where accessibility and wellness supports (e.g., accommodations, counselling, etc.) for systemically and historically marginalized members are falling short.

Timeline and progress

Given the scope of this work, we anticipate this priority will be iterative. We plan to start the audit in 2023 and complete it by 2025.

The service excellence survey project is in the planning phase, with surveys for key services distributed to faculty and staff in 2024. Student services are regularly assessed through periodic surveys and other feedback mechanisms.