
Frequently asked questions


When will I be paid?

  • All employees are paid on a semi-monthly basis. Pay periods are the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to the 31st of each month.
  • Employees who are paid hourly and submit timesheets are paid on the 8th and 23rd of each month.

For example:

    - pay period 1st to 15th pays on the 23rd of the current month
    - pay period 16th to 31st will pay on the 8th of the following month

  • Salaried employees with appointed terms of employment are paid up to and including their pay date. They receive pay on the 15th and 31st of each month.
  • Deadlines for submittal of payroll documents and timesheets can be found on the Payroll website.

When will I be paid if I hold both a salaried and an hourly position?

As a general rule, the pay dates for employees who hold an appointed position and an hourly paid position will follow the pay schedule for salaried employees.  Please note that timing differences can occur and are dependent on completed paperwork being received by the Payroll office, based on posted deadlines and internal processing dates.  Calendars and schedules can be found at: 


How will I be paid?

  • Collective agreements for all PEA, CUPE 4163 and non-union employees require mandatory direct deposit of semi-monthly pay.  All other 番茄社区 employees are encouraged to arrange for deposit of their semi-monthly pay via this method.

How do I see my pay stub?

Where is my paycheque?

  • Paycheques are available for pickup from your department on payday. Payroll will not mail paycheques to home addresses. Please keep in mind that some departments do not receive mail delivery until the afternoon.

How do I get my T4?

  • The T4 slip is a statement of remuneration paid to employees during the calendar year.
  • T4s are provided electronically through the My Page portal, under the Employee Services tab, at the end of February for the preceding year.
  • Employees may opt out of receiving an electronic copy of their T4 by completing the T4 Paper Tax Form Request.

How do I get my T4A?

  • Not all T4As are issued by the Payroll department.  Please contact Accounts Payable regarding T4A’s if you are a student, contractor or received support payments.
  • T4A’s are provided electronically through the online tools portal, under the Employee Services tab, at the end of February for the preceding year.
  • Employees may opt out of receiving an electronic copy of their T4A by completing the T4A Paper Tax Form Request.

Where is my tuition fee receipt (T2202A)

  • Payroll does not issue this statement. Please contact Tuition Fees at 250-721-7032.

What is a taxable benefit?

  • Taxable benefits are those benefits that have been paid by UVic on your behalf. Examples of taxable benefits include Basic Group Life, subsidized Bus Pass or Free Room and Board.

I need help filing my Income Tax Return.

  • Payroll will not offer tax advice.
  • Contact the Canada Revenue Agency if you're having trouble filing your income tax return.
  • If you are a student, senior, person with a disability, a newcomer to Canada, or a low-income earner with a simple tax-filing situation, you can contact the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) at: 1-800-959-8281 to ask for help. CVITP volunteers work with members of local community organizations who can help you complete and file your return.
  • For more information on the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, visit r.

Why is my net pay lower in the beginning of the year?

  • CPP and EI deductions have yearly maximum contribution amounts. Once these limits are reached during the calendar year, the deductions cease.
  • Contributions to CPP and EI will commence again in January of the following year which will reduce net pay.

2023 Rates:

  • CPP has increased from 5.7% to 5.95%
  • The maximum annual pensionable earnings (YMPE) has gone from $64,900 to $65,700
  • EI has increased to 1.63%

Do I need to fill out TD1 forms each year?

  • Employees that claimed amounts other than the basic Personal Tax Credit on the TD1 and TD1BC Form during the tax year will have the Tax Credit switched back to Basic amounts effective January 1 each year. This change is required to comply with both Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Canada Payroll Association (CPA) instructions in regards to tax claims.
  • Employees wishing to claim tax credit amounts other than the Basic amount have to update their TD1 through the Employee Services tab in the 'My page' portal or complete a new TD1 form.
  • If employees claim only the Basic Personal Tax Credit they do not have to complete a new TD1 every year. If a change occurs with tax implications, a new form must be completed no later than seven days after the change.

Why does my position record in online tools Employee Services show a start date of 2006?

This is the date of conversion of all payroll records from our old computer system to the new operating system. It does not impact seniority or benefits eligibility.

How do I request a Record of Employment?

  • Once your department has submitted an Advice of Separation and the termination has been recorded in the Payroll system, a Record of Employment (ROE) will be created.
  • All ROE's are submitted electronically to Service Canada. You can log into their website to start your claim or print your own copy of the . http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/application/employmentinsurance.shtml
  • In exceptional circumstances Payroll will print a copy for you. Please email or contact 250-721-7034.