
Frequently asked questions

Banking, cash & payment card services

Does the University accept payments through e-Transfer庐 (INTERAC e-Transfer)?

No, the University does not accept payments through e-Transfer® via email notification.   

Payments to the University for goods and services, other than tuition fees and residence services, may be made by cheque drawn on a Canadian bank account, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX), international bank wire or cash. Please contact the selling department to discuss your payment options.

Can I set up a Pay Pal account or a bank account to deal with my conference payments?

  • No, only Financial Services can establish bank accounts or payment services on behalf of 番茄社区.

How do I add a new employee as a DC user so that they are able to report daily cash transactions using FASTJV?

  • Please e-mail the following information requesting access to FAST JV:
  • Department name, new user employee name and V number, and e-mail address of the new user.
  • Payment & Banking Services will make arrangements for the new user who will then be sent an e-mail with further instructions regarding access. There will be an on line tutorial and quiz that the new user will have to go through if they are not already a FAST JV user.

I am expecting money to come in to UVic鈥檚 bank account. How will I know when it arrives?

  • Whenever you expect funds to be deposited to UVic’s bank account directly, you must advise the Banking unit of the transaction so that it can be recognized and applied correctly. Send an email to and include the following information:
  1. FAST Account (14 digits) where you would like the funds to be recorded once they are received
  2. Amount and date of the expected deposit
  3. Name of the institution/person/business who is sending the funds
  • Incoming payments are allocated daily, so check your FAST account for the funds you expect.

What if the funds were sent but I didn鈥檛 know they were coming. What would banking have done with the money?

  • Banking maintains an unidentified deposits listing for deposits that could not be tracked due to insufficient information from either the receiver or sender. 
  • To access the unidentified deposit list, use your logon netlink ID.  If you recognize a deposit that was made for you, contact with the information required to have the funds recorded in your FAST account.

How can our unit apply to accept payments by credit or debit card?