
Frequently asked questions

Accounts Receivable

I need to invoice a third party for items my department sold so the buyer can pay us. We don鈥檛 have a POS or AR system, what do I use?

  • FASTAR must be used to invoice your client, record the accounting transaction, track the outstanding balance and record payments made on the invoice. You’ll need to provide the buyer information (name, mailing address), a description of the goods or services sold, amount of the sale or cost recovery. See the invoice detail requirements for further information.

How do I access FASTAR to issue a UVic invoice?

I have received a payment for an invoice, what do I do with it?

  • As the invoice was issued through FASTAR, it’s important that any payment received must also be posted through this system.  Please do not record the payment directly into your departmental FAST account.
  • If you receive a cheque or cash payment for an invoice issued through FASTAR, you must inform the FASTAR Administrator in one of two ways:
    • Send the payment to Financial Services attached to a Cash & cheque remittance form indicating the Invoice # (GRXXXXXX) and crediting FAST account 10000-00000-1130; or
    • Deposit the payment and include the amount with your FAST JV daily cash report (DCR) crediting the FAST account 10000-00000-1130 and indicating the invoice # (GRXXXXXX)

How do I request a new customer and/or change an existing customer profile in FASTAR?

  • If the customer to be invoiced does not appear in the database or requires a change on the customer profile,  submit the Request for customer profiles & changes form. An email confirmation will be sent back to you with the new customer number or confirmation of the profile change.

How do I know if I should charge GST and / or PST on the invoice?

Depending on the type of goods or services being sold, the required tax treatment will vary.  The first step is to refer to the GST-PST INFORMATION webpage and determine if the tax treatment for your situation matches one of the specific items outlined in the A-Z Tax on Sales Information List.  If you have any further questions, please contact Financial Services at fastar@uvic.ca.

What do i do if i can鈥檛 collect payment from a customer?

The department that issues the invoices is expected to review outstanding balances and to follow up with their customers for any amounts owing.  If the invoice total owing is greater than $1,000, you may choose to contact UVic’s collection services provider for further action.  Please contact fastar@uvic.ca for more information.

In February of each year in preparation for the fiscal year-end, you will receive a memo for any invoices in your department that have a balance owing that is greater than 180 days.  You will be asked to specify if the invoice is expected to be collected, if the amount is uncollectible and needs to be written off, if the invoice is incorrect and needs to be cancelled or if you have forwarded the invoice to collections.

How do i know the status of my invoice?

To look up the status of your invoice, click the QUERIES tab and then select INVOICE STATUS.  You can generate the report by invoice number (beginning with a GR) if you know it or by other parameters such as customer or date created.  This report will show if the invoice has been printed and posted as well as if the payment as been applied.  Full instructions are available here.

Additionally, you can run either the INVOICES AND PAYMENTS BY DEPARTMENT or the INVOICES AND PAYMENTS BY CUSTOMER report from the REPORTING tab.  These reports will display posted invoices only for a specific department or customer.


What other reports can i run about my invoices?

From the Reports tab in the AR module of FAST, the following reports are available to departmental users. 

  • Aged analysis by aging group
  • Reprint an invoice
  • Receipts for invoice number
  • Invoices and payments by department
  • Invoices and payments by customer
If you have additional questions, contact fastar@uvic.ca or 250-721-6558.