
Frequently asked questions

Accounts Payable

Is my payment issued from Accounts Payable or Payroll?

  • Reimbursements, scholarships, and all non-wage related payments are issued from the Accounts payable department.  Payroll payments are issued to employees of the University who hold an active appointment at UVic.

Does the University accept payments through e-Transfer® (INTERAC e-Transfer)?

No, the University does not accept payments through e-Transfer® via email notification.   

Payments to the University for goods and services, other than tuition fees and residence services, may be made by cheque drawn on a Canadian bank account, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX), international bank wire or cash. Please contact the selling department to discuss your payment options.

What documentation is required to support reimbursements including travel?

  • All reimbursement claims require the original, detailed receipt; indicating how the amount was paid (proof of payment) attached to the Business expense reimbursement or Travel expense reimbursement form
  • Debit and/or credit card slips by themselves are only allowed for taxi, shuttle, gas and parking expenses
  • Restaurant receipts must show the items ordered, otherwise per diem maximums will be paid
  • All other expenses require the till receipt or invoice supplied by the seller
  • Hotel folios and flight itineraries that do not acknowledge payment can not be used as proof of payment
  • Some research granting agencies require supporting documentation beyond UVic requirements.  Please be aware of any specific documentation requirements of the grant to which you are charging expenses.
  • Please refer to the travel and business expense policy for more specific information
  • Accounting may ask for a copy of your credit card statement – see the question below for more information.

Why would Accounting ask for a copy of my credit card statement?

Your credit card statement may be requested to show:

  1. Proof of payment when the original receipt does not show that payment has been made (ie. Hotel folios, web receipts. Etc.)
  2. Actual foreign exchange rate charged by the credit card provider.  Accounting will apply the Bank of Canada exchange rate as at the purchase date but if you want to claim the exact amount charged by your credit card company, a copy of your statement is required to confirm the amount.

In order to protect your privacy, all information on the credit card statement other than your name, last 4 digits of the card number and the transaction in question should be fully redacted and not readable.   

Which form do I use to get reimbursed?

Who needs to sign my business or travel expense claim form (staff and faculty)?

There are three signature fields on the business expense and travel expense reimbursement forms:

Claimant's signature:

The claimant should always sign the form taking responsibility for the expenses being claimed.

If the claimant is not able to be present when the form is prepared, a signed or emailed should be attached.

Account holder's signature:

The account holder (or their delegate) is required to sign the form as the party responsible for the budget of the account and to ensure they are aware of the charges.

Delegates cannot exceed their assigned dollar threshold.

Claimant's one over one approver signature:

If the account holder is not the claimant’s one over one supervisor, the one over one supervisor must also sign the form.

If the claimant is from outside the University and does not have a one over one supervisor, the account holder is the final approver and no one over one signature is required.

If the one over one supervisor is not available, typically the supervisors one over one supervisor should sign the form (i.e. the next level up).

I have no money and little available credit to cover my trip costs, what can I do?

Can’t I just ask my supervisor to pay for my expense?

  • No, under no circumstances should an employee pay for the expenses of another person.  All claims must be paid to the person who incurred the cost so that the amount can be reported correctly under the Financial Information Act.  Further, no one should be extending credit to another person with the expectation of reimbursement from UVic. Contact Accounting Services or Purchasing if you need information about making purchases or claims.

Are there per diem rates for travel?

  • Yes, for the convenience of the traveler meal per diems are allowed without receipt and the rates are listed on the travel expense reimbursement claim.  The amount includes taxes and gratuities. 
  • You cannot claim a per diem where meals were provided by another party, included as part of your itinerary or are outside of the travel period.

How do I claim expenses I paid for in a foreign currency?

  • List the expenses in the currency you paid and apply the exchange rate to convert the amount to Canadian dollars.   If more than one foreign currency was paid you should group together the expenses of the same currency to use one exchange rate.
  • Enter the exchange rate you actually paid, or an average of a number of rates you paid. This information can be taken from your credit card statement (provide copy of supporting line item(s) with your claim) or can be found at the website.
  • Send the approved claim to Accounts payable for processing. 
  • All employee claims will be reimbursed in Canadian dollars.
  • Non-employee foreign claims can be converted to be paid in their home currency upon request. 
  • It is best if foreign payments are sent electronically, therefore, obtain the recipients banking information on this form and attach it to the claim.

I misplaced a receipt that I want to claim for expenses, what do I do?

  • For audit purposes, Accounting Services requires original receipts to be submitted for reimbursement
  • If you have lost a receipt, contact the supplier for a copy
  • If a receipt replacement is not available, complete a declaration form - missing receipts  
  • Granting agencies may have other requirements and you should follow up with Research Accounting if you are charging expenses to a 3XXXX FAST account

I received a deposit in my personal bank account but have not received any notification of what the payment is for. How do I find out?

  • All direct deposits made by Accounts Payable have a corresponding email notification sent to the active preferred email address in your Banner profile.
  • Check the Online tools page to ensure the email address you have in Banner is the one you are expecting to receive the notification. 
  • Also, check your spam or junk folders since some computers may block the email depending on your security settings. 
  • Lastly, you can contact to get more information.

I want to make a purchase using my professional development funds. What do I need to do?

  • Faculty and Librarians are required to fill out a professional expense pre-approval for faculty & librarians and have it authorized by their Dean or Chair prior to making the purchase.  When making the reimbursement claim, attach a copy of the pre-approval form and the authorized travel or business expense reimbursement claim and submit it to Accounting Services for processing.
  • Management Excluded and PEA members must discuss the purchase in advance with their supervisor and get prior approval, no form is required.  The supervisor who is approving the purchase is responsible for authorizing the reimbursement claim before submission to Accounting Services.

How can I find out what the balance is in my professional development account?

  • Professional development account allocations and balances are available for viewing on the UVic “Online tools-Employee Services-Pro-D” page.
  • Balances are updated each academic year with your Pro-D allocation.

Do I have to attach a payment requisition to a suppliers invoice to request payment?

  • No, supplier invoices normally contain sufficient information for processing. 
  • Proper authorization to pay the invoice can be written on the invoice and should include the account holder signature, FAST account to be charged (if not on a PO) and any other information that may be required under specific policies (Hospitality Policy, Purchasing Policy, etc).
  • Payment requisitions are used for requesting expense reimbursements and non-invoiced payments such as subject fees and sponsorships.  When in doubt, .

What technical approvals do I need for computer equipment reimbursements?

The Technology Solutions Centre provides technical approvals.  See .

Where do I find information on GST/PST?

Chrome River expense management system

I have a role-based email but the approval emails are going to my personal UVic address, can this be changed to my role based email?

Yes, here are instructions to update your preferred email in the UVic database.

Can I book University travel on my c card?

Yes. You can book yourself or use purchasing’s preferred supplier Direct Travel to book for yourself, guests and non-employees.

To maintain the included with your c card, the traveler must be the cardholder. 

When booking for non-employee extra insurance should be purchased in the name of the traveller.

Can I book hotels on my c card for guests and non-employees?

Yes.  You can book yourself or use purchasing’s preferred supplier Direct Travel to book for guests and non-employees.

The hotel may request a credit card authorization form.  If so, please fax the form, email is not a secure way to send credit card details.

Be advised the hotel may request a credit card of the guest to keep the number for a potential damage deposit. 

What is the ‘Company ID’ to log into Chrome River?

You do not need a ‘Company ID’ to log in to Chrome River, only your NetLink ID and password. The link to log in to Chrome River is in Online Tools. If you see a webpage asking for the ‘Company ID’ contact expensemgmt@uvic.ca.

Can I submit my Pro D expense(s) using Chrome River?

Yes, the instructions on how to claim reimbursement for Pro D expenses are on the expense management webpage.

I need to submit a Pro D claim but it won't let me pick my Supervisor to approve when I try to submit, how do I submit to my supervisor?

When submitting the expense report in Chrome River, the system will ask you to select the account holder to approve. The account holder for all Pro D accounts is someone in Financial Services and the only available selection, select that person and submit the expense report. The expense report will route to your Supervisor after the account holder approves. For more information refer to the expense management system approval routing process maps.


I've tried to approve the expense report through the email but I get an email saying it doesn't recognize my email.

The system is set to only accept approval via email from an approver's preferred uvic.ca email address. You can view and/or update your preferred email address in Online tools. If you update your email, it should be updated in Chrome River over night. Update your preferred email address.

I don't have a receipt and can't get a copy, do I need to fill out the Missing Receipt Declaration form and attach it to my expense report?

No, you can provide your explanation in the Missing Receipt warning text box that will appear when you save the expense item without attaching a receipt.

How do I save or print my expense report?

Select the expense report you want to save or print from your drafts or recently submitted folders. Click on the ‘PDF’ button and select Full Report with Notes & Receipts. The PDF will open and you can save to another location or print it.

How do I see the status of my expense report?

Instructions on how to find the status of your expense report are on the expense management webpage.

When I try to approve an expense report in the email I received, it opens a Google (or other browser) home page. How can I approve?

If Outlook is not your default mail program, when you click on a link in an email, it will often try to open up the link in an Internet browser window. You can check the default mail program in Outlook-->File-->Options-->General and Start up options. Your Desktop Support person can also assist you with this. If you do not want to change your mail program settings, you can also log into Chrome River to approve expense reports within the system.

Who approves my expense report, when?

Who approves your expense report depends on a few factors:
  1. If the expense report is created by a Chrome River delegate on behalf of the faculty/staff member, the report will route to the faculty or staff member for approval first
  2. Route to pre-approver (if there is one for the department)
  3. Route to FAST account holder/delegate (if the faculty member is the account holder then this step is automatically approved)
  4. Route to one over one (if account holder, will skip this)
  5. Route to Accounts Payable / Research Accounting

You can refer to the approval routing process maps for expense reports and C Card reconciliations for more detail.

What do I do with my original receipts once my report has been submitted?

Once the receipt has been uploaded to Chrome River and the image is clear with the receipt amount and taxes, you should recycle your receipt. Please do not retain paper copies of the receipt.

The system automatically selected an expense tile, can I change it?

Yes, click on the small arrow at bottom of the expense tile that has been selected, and all the expense tiles will display for you to choose from. Select the expense tile that applies to the expense.

Where can I find the vendor location of a purchase on my C Card?

When a C Card transaction has been added to the expense report, below the allocation section there is a gray bar called 'UVic commercial card transaction'. Click the arrow on the right you can see the details of the transaction including the vendor location. Alternatively, you can see the vendor location before you add the C Card transaction to an expense report: from your e-wallet, click the arrow next to the vendor name and the details will display.