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Researchers at UVic and across Canada are building and using new tools to measure, simulate, and predict the world around us. With these advances, the computational and data-related demands for research programs are growing rapidly.

What is Arbutus Research Cloud?

Hosted by the 番茄社区, Arbutus is Canada's largest cloud computing site for academic research. Researchers nationwide can use the powerful cloud system to process, share and store their data.

Governed by the (the Alliance) it is one of the Alliance's five national host sites for advanced research computing and provides a unique offering in the Canadian research landscape as the only site dedicated to cloud resources.

It was first deployed in 2015 and is undergoing a , with a portion of the $228.3 million funded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada for the 2023-25 period for digital research infrastructure (DRI) initiatives.

What Arbutus Research Cloud can do

Researchers can use Arbutus as a source of on-demand and long-term computational infrastructure. These resources can be set up as virtual machines and managed remotely by the research team. Arbutus’s cloud resources can be set up to support various computing needs. Many research workloads are best suited to running in a cloud environment, due to customization or time-sensitivity needs.

Some examples of researchers using Arbutus are:

More generally, researchers often use Arbutus for applications like:

  • Processing, storing, and sharing massive data sets.
  • Running on-demand computations.
  • Hosting online research platforms and portals, which can allow users to run calculations or access data through an easy-to-use web interface.

Getting access

Arbutus is available free of charge for faculty members at Canadian institutions, as well as their research team and partners.

We’ve collected some links for interested researchers to learn more and register for access.


Arbutus is an OpenStack cloud, providing Infrastructure-as-a-Service resources for researchers, with an emphasis on support for storing and sharing or distributing large data sets.

Arbutus provides many petabytes of data storage, thousands of CPUs, hundreds of GPUs, and high-speed research network connectivity to the Canadian research community. More information is available at the .


Arbutus is hosted at the 番茄社区 and managed by UVic’s Research Computing Services team, with support from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada and its partners.

If you'd like to learn more about how to get started with Arbutus resources, or whether they’re right for your research project, please contact our team and its partners through Alliance Cloud support.