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Resources & supports

As a Social Sciences student, we're here to support you! Find help with choosing courses, improve your study skills, access physical and mental health care, and find culturally-relevant supports for Indigenous students.

Academic advising

We're here to help you choose your program and courses.

Undergraduate students

Departmental advisors and the Academic Advising Centre are available for academic advice. Humanities, Science and Social Sciences share advising services to make it easier for students to combine programs from different faculties and transfer from one faculty to another.

Your advisor can help you declare your major. You can declare your major after completing 12 units (usually 8 courses). Declaring your program will connect you with your peers, professors and advisors in your academic community.

Graduate students

For advice on issues related to a specific program, department, or school, it's best to start with your program’s graduate advisor.

Academic regulations

Academic regulations can sometimes be difficult to navigate. The UVic academic calendar is the basic guide to all academic regulations. All students should to be familiar with these. You should especially be familiar with:

  • Academic Concessions
  • Academic Integrity (i.e., cheating and plagiarism)
  • Evaluation of Student Achievement
  • Grading

Undergraduate academic regulations

Graduate academic regulations

If you run into a problem, it’s best to begin by talking to your instructor. If you aren't able to do that, or if talking to the instructor doesn't resolve the issue, talk to the Chair of the Department or Director of the School that offers the course or program. You can also contact the , an impartial and confidential resource. 

Indigenous student supports

We offer support to Indigenous students throughout their university experience, from their first contact with UVic through graduation and beyond.

Health & wellness supports

The Student Wellness Centre (SWC) provides emotional, physical and spiritual care to help you thrive so you can achieve your personal and academic goals.

Study skills & learning help

Academic support also is available through the Learning Commons on the main floor of the Mearns Centre for Learning. The Centre for Academic Communication offers individual tutoring, workshops, and other services. 

The Learning Commons is also the home of the Math and Stats Assistance Centre.

Additional resources

Visit the UVic Students site for additional students supports and resources.