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Welcome to UVic! You’ll find resources for new undergraduates and new graduate students on the main student websites.

Student groups

There are over 150 clubs on campus dedicated to environmental, cultural, political, religious and recreational causes. Get involved with student clubs and organizations.

Our department has an active group for undergraduate students. Get involved with your peers for fun and educational activities.

Sociology mailing lists

Graduate students will be automatically added to our grad student mailing list. 


Our undergraduate, graduate, honours and co-op advisers are here to help with any questions about your degree. Learn about academic advising.

International students

Welcome to Canada. As an international student, you can participate in a program specially designed for you. 

The International Student Welcome introduces you to UVic staff and students who will help you settle into life at UVic.

Learn about supports and services for international students.

Indigenous students

In addition to regular orientation events, Indigenous students are invited to attend Indigenous Student Orientation. Events include the Week of Welcome for Indigenous students, which starts during the second week of classes. 

Learn about other services for Indigenous students.

Volunteer opportunities

Faculty and graduate students can sometimes provide opportunities for undergraduate students to become involved in ongoing research projects. Learn about the research being done by our faculty members.

Depending on where your interests lie, one great way to find out about volunteer opportunities is to talk to your professors. They can give you advice on where to go based on your interests.

Graduate student space

Facilities available to sociology graduate students include a printer and computer terminal in COR A331, a bookable meeting space in A305 and a lounge in COR A307.

Graduate student lockers in the library are available on a first-come first-served basis.