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Aaron Devor

Aaron Devor initiated and holds the inaugural position as the world’s only Research Chair in Transgender Studies. His research focuses on Trans+ people.

Aaron has worked on policy and training concerning transgender offenders with national, provincial and local police, and with BC Corrections and the Correctional Service Canada. He has also taught university courses in federal prisons.

Garry C. Gray

Garry C. Gray was formerly a research fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard Law School. There he researched the social organization of unethical behaviour inside institutions of public trust.

Garry’s research interests include:

  • criminology
  • institutional corruption, regulation and compliance
  • behavioural ethics
  • organizational culture
  • health and safety

Sean Hier

Sean Hier joined the 番茄社区 in 2003 after working on the Surveillance Project at Queen’s University.  

Sean’s research interests include:

  • moral panics
  • moral regulation
  • socially constructed social problems
  • serial killers
  • surveillance
  • true crime
  • media framing

Tamara Humphrey

Tamara Humphrey’s scholarly interests focus on a range of crime issues. They have a broad focus on the causes and consequences of violence.

She studies how race, class and gender shape crime and justice system interactions over a person's life.

Midori Ogasawara

Midori Ogasawara’s research focuses on social consequences of surveillance, identification, personal data and biometrics.  

These and other technologies are being increasingly used for crime investigation, prevention and national security. They include facial recognition systems and drones.

Midori also explores the colonial roots of surveillance technologies from global perspectives. She examines how surveillance has aided systemic violence and state crimes.

In her current project, Midori analyzes recent surveillance technologies under the War on Terror. She examines how it has affected rule of law in democracy, and what kinds of legal frameworks can limit ever-expanding surveillance technologies.