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Associate professor, graduate adviser


Office: COR A361 250-853-3772
PhD (University of Toronto)
Area of expertise:
Criminology, public health, ethics, institutions, socio-legal studies

Garry Gray is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at the 番茄社区.

From 2011-2015, Gray was a research fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard Law School, where he conducted research on the social organization of unethical behaviour inside a variety of institutions of public trust.

From 2009-2011, Gray was a research fellow in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health, where he researched the influence of organizational culture on medical errors and ethical decision-making inside hospital settings. At Harvard University, Gray co-designed, taught and introduced into the curriculum a new course on transdisciplinary research.

Gray received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Toronto (2008). He holds an MA in criminology from the Centre of Criminology and Socio-legal Studies at the University of Toronto and an Hon. BA double major in criminology and sociology at the University of Toronto.

His work has been published internationally in journals such as the American Journal of Sociology, British Journal of Criminology, Revue Droit et Société, Canadian Review of Sociology, Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.


  • criminology
  • institutional corruption
  • regulation and compliance
  • behavioural ethics
  • organizational culture
  • health and safety
  • sociology of science
  • qualitative methods and ethnography


Albert, Katelin, and Garry Gray. 2023. "." Canadian Review of Sociology.

Morrow, Richard, Barbara Mintzes, Garry Gray, Michael R. Law, Scott Garrison and Colin Dormuth. 2023. "." British Medical Journal (BMJ) Open 13(3):13:e068221.

Morrow, Richard, Barbara Mintzes, Garry Gray, Michael R. Law, Scott Garrison and Colin Dormuth. 2023. "." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89(3): 1198-1206.

Morrow, Richard, Barbara Mintzes, Garry Gray, Michael Law, Scott Garrison and Colin Dormuth. 2022. "." Clinical Therapeutics 44(3): 374-388.

Gray, Garry and Benjamin Van Rooji. 2021. "" Regulation & Governance 15(3): 800-821.

Gray, Garry. 2021. "" in Benjamin van Rooji and Daniel Sokol (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance (pp. 780-787). Cambridge University Press.

Gray, Garry and Brigitte Benning. 2019. "Crowdsourcing criminology: social media and citizen policing in missing person cases." SAGE Open 9(4): 1-15.

Gray, Garry and Katy Lindsay. 2019. "Workplace violence: examining interpersonal and impersonal violence among truck drivers." Law & Policy 41(3): 271-285.

Gray, Garry. 2019. "A bird's eye view of driving safety culture: truck drivers' perceptions of unsafe driving behaviours near their trucks." WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation 64(2): 187-194.

Gray, Garry and Jérôme Pélisse. 2019. "Frontline workers and the role of legal and regulatory intermediaries." Sciences Po Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP) Working Paper No. 94:1-16 (peer reviewed). 

Gray, Garry. 2018. "The sociology of near misses: a methodological framework for studying events that 'almost happened.' Canadian Journal of Sociology 43(2):171-190.

Gray, Garry and William Carroll. 2018. "Mapping corporate influence and institutional corruption inside Canadian universities." Critical Criminology 26(4):491-507.

McCartney, Kevin and Garry Gray. 2018. "Big Oil U: Canadian media coverage of corporate obstructionism and institutional corruption at the University of Calgary." Canadian Journal of Sociology 43(4):299-324.

Almond, Paul and Garry Gray. 2017. "Frontline safety: understanding the workplace as a site of regulatory engagement." Law & Policy 22(1):179-196.

Gray, Garry. 2017. "Academic voice in scholarly writing." The Qualitative Report 39(1):5-26.

Gray, Garry. 2017. "The FBI on corporate crime." In Andre Spicer and Grietje Baars (Eds.), The Corporation: A Critical, Interdiscplinary Handbook. Pages 150-156. Cambridge University Press.

Gray, Garry and Michael Jones. 2016. "A qualitative narrative policy framework: examining the policy narratives of US campaign finance regulatory reform." Public Policy and Administration 31(3):193-220.

Reme, Silje, E., Alberto Caban-Martinez, Justin Young, Anna Arlinghaus, and Garry Gray. 2015. "A model for development and delivery of a graduate course in transdisciplinary research." Public Health Reports 130(5): 552-558.

Gray, Garry. 2015. "A sociological perspective on institutional corruption", in Gerry Ferguson (ed.) Global Corruption: Law, Theory and Practice (pp. 71-74). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Singer, Sara, Jennifer Hayes, Garry Gray and Mathew Kiang. 2015. "Making time for learning-oriented leadership in multidisciplinary hospital management groups." Healthcare Management Review 40(4): 300-312.

Gray, Garry and Susan Silbey. 2014. “Governing inside the organization: interpreting regulation and compliance.” American Journal of Sociology 120(1): 96-145.

Gray, Garry. 2013. “Insider accounts of institutional corruption: examining the social organization of unethical behaviour.” British Journal of Criminology 53(4): 533-551.

Gray, Garry. 2013. “The ethics of pharmaceutical research funding: a social organization approach.” Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 41(3): 629-634.  

Robson, Linda, Sarah Macdonald, Garry Gray, Dwayne Van Eerd and Phillip Bigelow. 2012. "A descriptive study of the OHS management auditing methods used by public sector organizations conducting audits of workplaces: implications for audit reliability and validity." Safety Science 50(2):181-189.

Gray, Garry and Susan Silbey. 2011. "The other side of the compliance relationship," in Christine Parker and Vibeke Nielson (eds.), Explaining Compliance: Understanding and Explaining Organizational Responses to Regulation. Edward Edgar Publishing.

Gray, Garry. 2011. “Constraints to upholding workplace safety laws and regulations within organizations.” Revue Droit et Société 77(1): 57-68. Special Issue on “How Organizations Accommodate the Law.”

Singer, Sara, Jennifery Hayes, Jeffrey Cooper, Jay Vogt, Michael Sales, Angela Aristidou, Garry Gray, Mathew Kiang and Gregg Meyer. 2011. "A case for safety leadership team training of hospital managers." Health Care Management Review 36(2):188-200.

Robson, Linda, Sarah Macdonald, Dwayne Van Eerd, Garry Gray and Phillip Bigelow. 2010. "Something might be missing from OHS audits: findings from a content validity analysis of five audit instruments." Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 52(5):536-543.

Turner, Nick and Garry Gray. 2009. “Socially constructing safety.” Human Relations 62(9):1259-1266 (guest editors of special issue).

Gray, Garry. 2009. “The responsibilization strategy of health and safety: neo-liberalism and the reconfiguration of individual responsibility for risk.” British Journal of Criminology 49(3):326-342.

Gray, Garry and Victoria Bishop-Kenzia. 2009. “Organizational self-censorship: corporate sponsorship, non-profit funding and the educational experience." Canadian Review of Sociology 46(2):157-173.

Gray, Garry. 2008. “Law and video games.” In Mark J.P. Wolf and Bernard Perron (eds), The Video Game Theory Reader 2. Routledge, New York.

Gray, Garry. 2007. “About criminals: a view of the offender’s world.” [Review of] Mark Pogrebin (ed.). Criminal Justice Review 32(4): 446-448.

Gray, Garry, and Tomas Nikolakos. 2007. “The self-regulation of virtual reality: issues of compliance and enforcement in the video game industry.” Canadian Journal of Law and Society 22(1):93-108.

Gray, Garry. 2006. “The regulation of corporate violations: punishment, compliance and the blurring of responsibility.” British Journal of Criminology 46(5):875-892.

Gray, Garry. 2006. “Ticketing health and safety offenders: a socio-legal examination of ticketing in high risk firm initiatives.” Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 4(2):77-93. 

Gray, Garry and Abigail Salole. 2006. “The local culture of punishment: an ethnography of criminal justice worker discourse.” British Journal of Criminology 46(4):661-679.

Gray, Garry. 2002. “A socio-legal ethnography of the right to refuse dangerous work.” Studies in Law, Politics & Society 24:133-169.