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The following course lists exclude the required courses for major, minor or general degrees in sociology.

Our 400-level courses offer seminar-based experiences that reflect the instructor’s current research and teaching interests. Topics may vary.

SOCI 439A and SOCI 439B offer community-engaged learning opportunities for students that can complement any of our 4 major areas.

Contact our academic advisor if you need help choosing your courses.

Ecology, global issues & social movements

Learn about our department’s research on ecology, global issues and social movements.

  • SOCI 207 – Ecology, Society and Global Change
  • SOCI 316 – Social Movements
  • SOCI 318 – Social Change
  • SOCI 321 – Work, Globalization and Labour Movements
  • SOCI 326 – Social Networks
  • SOCI 355 – The Corporation, Capitalism and Globalization
  • SOCI 357 – Global and Transnational Sociology in Germany
  • SOCI 384 – Colonialism, Postcoloniality and Indigenous Resurgence
  • SOCI 388 – Sociology of Food and Eating
  • SOCI 437 – Issues in Environmental Sociology and Climate Change

Other courses that complement studies in this area:

  • SOCI 215 – Class and Social Inequality
  • SOCI 220 – Media and Contemporary Society
  • SOCI 310 – Religion in Society
  • SOCI 331 – Politics and Society
  • SOCI 383 – Feminisms in Theory and Practice
  • SOCI 436 – Issues in Sociology and Social Justice

Gender, racialization & ethnicity

Learn about our department’s research on gender, racialization and ethnicity.

  • SOCI 103 – Settler Colonialism and Canadian Society
  • SOCI 235 – Racialization and Ethnicity
  • SOCI 281 – Sociology of Genders
  • SOCI 382 – Sociology of Sexualities
  • SOCI 383 – Feminisms in Theory and Practice
  • SOCI 384 - Colonialism, Postcoloniality and Indigenous Resurgence
  • SOCI 435 – Issues in Gender, Sexuality and Trans Communities
  • SOCI 430A – Issues in Racialization, Ethnicity and Decolonization

Other courses that complement studies in this area:

  • SOCI 204 – Self, Identity and Society
  • SOCI 205 – Sociological Perspectives on Family Relationships
  • SOCI 305B – Families and Social Change
  • SOCI 316 – Social Movements
  • SOCI 388 – Sociology of Food and Eating
  • SOCI 436 – Issues in Sociology and Social Justice

Crime, deviance & law

Learn about our department’s research on crime, deviance and law.

  • SOCI 202 – Constructing Social Problems
  • SOCI 206 – Crime and Deviance
  • SOCI 307 – Moral Panics
  • SOCI 312 – White-Collar Crime
  • SOCI 313 – Sociology of Law
  • SOCI 346 – Sociology of Surveillance
  • SOCI 356 – International Crimes and Social Justice
  • SOCI 434 – Issues in Deviance, Crime, Law and Social Control

Other courses that complement studies in this area:

  • SOCI 215 – Class and Social Inequality
  • SOCI 220 – Media and Contemporary Society
  • SOCI 235 – Racialization and Ethnicity
  • SOCI 281 – Sociology of Genders
  • SOCI 331 – Politics and Society
  • SOCI 436 – Issues in Sociology and Social Justice

Health, aging & society

Learn about our department’s research on health, aging and society.

  • SOCI 285 – Health Over the Life Course
  • SOCI 327 – International Perspectives on Inequities in Health and Health Care
  • SOCI 345 – Sociology of Mental Health
  • SOCI 385 – Sociology of Aging
  • SOCI 389 – Death and Dying
  • SOCI 432 – Issues in Health and Aging

Other courses that complement studies in this area:

  • SOCI 202 – Constructing Social Problems
  • SOCI 204 – Self, Identity and Society
  • SOCI 205 – Sociological Perspectives on Family Relationships
  • SOCI 215 – Class and Social Inequality
  • SOCI 235 – Racialization and Ethnicity
  • SOCI 281 – Sociology of Genders
  • SOCI 382 – Sociology of Sexualities
  • SOCI 433 – Issues in Demography and Families