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Interactive map of student services

March 28, 2023


No question that getting support and assistance on campus is crucial to a positive educational experience. A student survey at UVic found that challenges associated with self-advocacy are one of the most pervasive barriers for students experiencing mental health challenges. In response to this, psychology PhD student Kari Duerksen, partnered with Dr. Jessica Neal and the Department of Geography; to create an that compiled all the services and information on one website.

 A group that truly believes that students with mental health challenges can succeed in university, deserve to be here, and deserve to access support created the interactive map. Easy to use and accessible, the map includes information about UVic-led community support, student-led community support, spiritual support, physical health, food security, counseling, and academic support. Despite these services being available to help students, Duerksen notes that many students find services challenging to navigate or they feel guilty when considering accessing these services.

 “It's so important for the UVic community to not just place the responsibility on counselors or doctors, but as a whole community, we all have a role to play. If more people were collaborating then we would have the opportunity to dismantle these barriers in the community,” says Duerksen.

 Duerksen emphasizes the pressure students experience when self-advocating, as much of the information regarding student services is difficult to find or unavailable including information about fees, hours, and descriptions of different services. Centralized information is essential for students to be able to go to one place and see all the services available. Thus, the map includes all UVic services currently available to students, with the option to get more information on each service.

 “Part of what makes it so hard to be a student with mental health challenges is having to navigate complex support services without guidance or support, and being bounced around with different information,” says Duerksen.

 This is only one piece of the puzzle, to help students with mental health challenges gain access to appropriate support. The intention behind the interactive map is to help students know their rights and what is available to them. Duerksen emphasizes that part of being able to self-advocate is having knowledge of one's rights, allowing students to feel empowered to make use of support services. This is not just a helpful tool for students but also a valuable resource for professors and service providers to about the full range of services available to students at UVic. With more people understanding the systems available to them, then more help and support are available to students.

 For more information:

 Kari Duerksen, kariduerksen@uvic.ca


 Students, faculty, or staff members in need of support can contact the following UVic services:

 UVic Multifaith, 250-721-8338

Students: UVic Counselling, 250-721-8536

Employees: Employee and family assistance program, 1-844-880-9142