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Q & A: co-op student, Bharath Ramesh, post-award research officer

February 09, 2023


Q & A with Bharath Ramesh, SOSC post-award research officer and co-op student.

  1. Please explain briefly, what is the role of SOSC post-awards officer?

The SOSC post-award research officer helps researchers, once approved for awards or grants, navigate the system of handling the funds. This position is the first of its kind, as it has been directly designed to support the Faculty of Social Sciences. I can ease them through this process, making them aware of important information often unknown to researchers. I take care of the administrative aspect, allowing researchers to prioritize and focus on their research.

  1. What do you find rewarding about this kind of work?

The most rewarding aspect is the opportunity to learn how to handle the vast sea of information. I am currently working towards making a manual for researchers, and everybody, a resource that is easily accessible on all grant and award information, office contacts, and a step-by-step guide to be guided through this post-award process. I also find it meaningful in being able to collaborate with other knowledgeable colleagues in the field and being able to learn how to manage all the information.

  1. How has your experience as a graduate student in UVic’s Masters in Management program at Gustavson prepared you for this role?

The Gustavson master’s in management program has been incredibly valuable for me. The program itself has provided me with the tools in navigating the workforce and attaining this role. The core part of the program has allowed me to venture into parts of my career I had never thought I would and develop soft skills that have opened many doors for me. The master’s in management programs holds a core part in emphasizing the power of influence, a tool that teaches professionals communication skills. Having come from a technical background, the Gustavson program has provided a union with my undergraduate degree. Highlighting my undergraduate studies as the foundation for my future and not undermining their value.

  1. What other relevant experiences have contributed to your success in obtaining this role?

Again, the master’s in management program and the mentorship program at Gustavson has been incredible resource. The master’s in management program includes a Professional development course where competencies such as interpersonal skills, adaptability, conflict resolution, and giving and receiving feedback are practiced.

The mentorship program connects students with industry leaders through workshops and expands opportunities for networking allowing me to understand what employers expect. How can researchers at UVic benefit from working with you as a Post-Awards Officer?

I can help researchers navigate through the process and policies whether with UVic or other agency policies. I can direct and connect researchers with the appropriate offices such as human resources, purchasing, travel services, etc. It is all about getting in touch with the right person at the right time. I am here to guide individuals through the process step by step and it being able to be done in the right matters, reducing the complexity for them. I can do the leg work so researchers stay focused on their research.

Bharath Ramesh is currently an UVic co-op graduate student on a six month work term in the Faculty of Social Sciences.