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Award winners

Congratulations to our recent undergraduate award winners! Learn about these scholarships and how they're awarded. 

Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award (JCURA)

Learn about all winners’ . 

  • Audrey LefortA Time for Recollection: Exploring the Temporality of Victoria‘s Sea-to-Sea Green Blue Belt Campaign (supervisor Dr. Tommy Happynook)
  • Djuna Nagasaki“Am I Japanese? Am I Nikkei?” An exploration of Yonsei and Gosei Japanese Canadian Identities (supervisor Dr. Melissa Gauthier)
  • Cooper BellFrom the Ground Up: A Comparative Analysis of Virtual Reflectance Transformation Imaging and Traditional RTI in the Context of Cemetery Conservation (supervisor Dr. Erin McGuire)

Valerie Kuehne Undergraduate Research Awards (VKURA)

Learn about all winners’ .

  • Mariana Verdejo Hernandez: The future of connec5on: how ar'ficial intelligence is transforming the way we connect and build rela'onships (supervisor Dr. Daromir Rudnyckyj)
  • Nicole Campbell“Contextualizing Community Currency: Understanding the Comox Valley LETS (supervisor Dr. Daromir Rudnyckyj)
  • Chloe Bailer: Mapping Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw Place Names (supervisor Dr. Duncan McLaren)