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PlatForum graduate journal

PlatForum is a peer reviewed journal published by UVic anthropology graduate students.

Our journal is the longest-running student-organized anthropology publication in Canada, originally published in 1998 as Cultural Reflections (Vol. 1).

PlatForum welcomes a diverse range of topics and issues from all 4 sub-disciplines of anthropology:

  • archaeology
  • social-cultural
  • biological-physical
  • linguistic


PlatForum is a peer-reviewed journal published by the graduate students of the Department of Anthropology at the 番茄社区 (UVic).

Our journal is the longest running student organized Anthropology publication in Canada, originally published in 1998 as Cultural Reflections (Vol. 1), and we strive to continue to provide an accessible and open platform for graduate students to contribute to. In celebrating the diversity and richness of anthropological inquiry, we welcome submissions from a range of topics and issues from all sub-disciplines. We also welcome interdisciplinary submissions from fields such as linguistics, humanities, fine arts, sociology, political science, and more.

As of the 2024 publication of Volume 19, PlatForum will be transitioned to a fully online open access journal. In addition to text-based projects we strongly encourage multimedia and other creative projects that expand our understanding of what scholarship can look like. If you have questions about submitting a creative project that is not currently listed in our submission categories, please reach out to the editors.

PlatForum is currently accepting submissions on the theme of “Reawakening, Revisiting.” One of the key things we encourage our fellow graduate scholars to consider, is the value of revisiting the boundaries of our own subdisciplines and specialties. What are we missing and who are we leaving out? How can we challenge each other in a productive way by intentionally leaving our silos behind? When we explore multiple pathways to knowledge, we become stronger, more balanced scholars even as we pursue our individual interests and questions.

The call for Volume 19 will remain open until December 1, 2024.


Platforum Co-Editors Raey Costain (they/them) and Robyn Nakano (they/she)

Please be advised: The submission of a work does not automatically result in its acceptance for publication, as this depends on the number of submissions received, the quality of work received, as well as the extent to which individual submissions reflect the themes of the journal. The final decision on the publication of a given submission remains with the PlatForum editorial board.

Join the team

PlatForum is seeking editors and peer reviewers. Please contact platforum@uvic.ca if interested.

Sending submissions

PlatForum is currently accepting submissions on the theme of “Reawakening, Revisiting.”


Review process

  1. Submissions are received via the PlatForum Journal Site: 
  2. Each submission is assigned to two reviewers from the PlatForum editorial team, supported by faculty from the department of anthropology
  3. Following review, the author or creator of the submission will receive a response from the PlatForum editorial team indicating acceptance, rejection, or acceptance with edits

*Please note that many creative projects cannot be made anonymous for review.

Submission Categories

  • Interviews that support, challenge or expand our understanding of anthropology as a discipline
  • Scholarly reviews – books, movies, conferences, or speakers
  • Papers/Articles (maximum 20 pages including references and notes)
  • Field notes – experiences, short essays, journal entries, drawings or graphics from field-work
  • Photo essays pertaining to themes of anthropology and social research (minimum resolution of 3mbs)
  • Short documentaries or other short film projects (maximum 15 minutes, with necessary permissions from all parties involved)
  • Soundscape projects (maximum 10 minutes)
  • Graphic narratives, drawings, or other arts-based submissions

Please review the or contact platforum@uvic.ca with any additional questions about submission formatting.

Past issues
