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Iain McKechnie

Associate professor


Office: Cornett B246a 250-721-7351
Area of expertise:
Coastal archaeology, historical ecology, Northwest coast, zooarchaeology


I am a coastal archaeologist interested in the history of food and settlement as a medium for understanding human-environmental relations on the Pacific Northwest Coast. I am a specialist in zooarchaeology (the archaeology of animal bones) and historical ecology (contextualizing modern ecosystem observations with those from well before the 20th or 21st centuries). I am also keen on cartography, visualization of archaeological data, and digital archaeological techniques and technologies.

My research focuses on the human use of animals, with a particular concentration on fish, shellfish, and marine mammals along the British Columbia Coast. I explore how these ancient records broaden contemporary perspectives on present day resource management challenges and the legacy of Indigenous settlement, use, and care for coastal environments.

I am participating in research with the ’s marine science programs as well as conducting ongoing fieldwork out of the  in Nuu-chah-nulth territories in Barkley Sound along the west coast of Vancouver Island.


  • coastal archaeology
  • zooarchaeology
  • historical ecology
  • Northwest coast
  • fisheries


  • ANTH 240 Archaeology
  • ANTH 340 Archaeology of British Columbia
  • ANTH 343 Archaeological Field Techniques
  • ANTH 442/520B Marine Historical Ecology
  • ANTH 551/651 Seminar in Ecology and Evolution

Current projects


  • 2023 - Salomon, A. K., D. K. Okamoto, B. J. Wilson (Kii7iljuus), T. Happynook (hiininaasim), Wickaninnish, A. Mack (wiicuckum), A. Davidson (Skil Hiilans), Guujaaw Gidansda, H. L. Humchitt (Wigvilhba Wakas), T. Happynook (Mexsis), C. Cox (Weiwimtaeek), F. Gillette (Hyuuštulth), S. Christiansen (N’yasim), D. Dragon, H. M. Kobluk, L. Lee, M. T. Tinker, J. J. Silver, D. Armitage, I. McKechnie, A. MacNeil, D. Hillis, E.-K. Muhl, E. J. Gregr, C. J. C. Commander, and A. Augustine. . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378:20220196 
  • 2023 - Salmen-Hartley, J., and I. McKechnie. . Arctic Anthropology 59:87–105 
  • 2023 - Lin, A. T., L. Hammond-Kaarremaa, H.-L. Liu, C. Stantis, I. McKechnie, M. Pavel, S. sa'hLa mitSa Pavel, S. Sen̓áḵw Wyss, R. P. Xweliqwiya Bolton, D. Morsette, D. qwasen Sparrow, E. Kwulasultun White, K. Carr, S. G. Aninta, A. Perri, J. Hartt, A. Bergström, A. Carmagnini, S. Charlton, L. Dalén, T. R. Feuerborn, C. France, S. Gopalakrishnan, V. Grimes, A. Harris, G. Kavich, B. N. Sacks, M.-H. S. Sinding, P. Skoglund, D. W. G. Stanton, E. A. Ostrander, G. Larson, C. G. Armstrong, L. A. F. Frantz, M. T. R. Hawkins, and L. Kistler. . Science 382:1303–1308 
  • 2023 - Darimont, C. T., R. Cooke, M. L. Bourbonnais, H. M. Bryan, S. M. Carlson, J. A. Estes, M. Galetti, T. Levi, J. L. Maclean, I. McKechnie, P. C. Paquet, and B. Worm. . Communications Biology 6:609 
  • 2023 - Crabtree, S. A., J. G. Kahn, R. Jackson, S. A. Wood, I. McKechnie, P. Verhagen, J. K. Earnshaw, P. V. Kirch, J. A. Dunne, and A. Dugmore. 2023. . Global Environmental Change 78:102597.
  • 2022 - Campos, A. A., C. D. Bullen, E.J. Gregr, I. McKechnie, & K.M.A. Chan. 2022. . Nature Communications 13:3674. 
  • 2022 - Gustas, R. H., I. McKechnie, Q. Mackie, and C. T. Darimont. 2022. . Advances in Archaeological Practice 10:200–214. 

  • 2022 - Hillis, D., R. Gustas, D. Pauly, W. W. L. Cheung, A. K. Salomon, and I. McKechnie. 2022. . Environmental Biology of Fishes 
  • 2022 - Reeder-Myers, L. A., T. J. Braje, C. A. Hofman, E. A. Elliot Smith, C. Garland, M. A. Grone, C. Hadden, M. Hatch, T. Hunt, A. Kelley, M. J. LeFebvre, I. McKechnie, I. J. McNiven, B. Newsom, T. Pluckhahn, G. M. Sanchez, M. Schwadron, K. Y. Smith, T. Smith, A. Spiess, G. Tayac, T. Vollman, E. M. Weitzel, and T. C. Rick. 2022. . Nature Communications 13:2383.
  • 2022 – Duffield, S. J. Walkus, E. White, I. McKechnie, Q. Mackie, D. McLaren.  American Antiquity 87(1):168-183.
  • 2022– Slade, E., I. McKechnie, A.K. Salomon . Ecosystems 25:548–566. 
  • 2021 – Henson, L.H., N. Balkenhol, R. Gustas, M. Adams, J. Walkus, W.G. Housty, A. Vik Stronen, J. Moody, C. Service, D. Reece, B. VonHoldt, I. McKechnie, B.F. Koop, C.T. Darimont. . Ecology and Society 26.(3). 
  • 2021 – Bullen, C., A. Campos, E. Gregr, I. McKechnie, K.M.A. Chan. . Global Ecology and Biogeography 

  • 2021 – DeRoy, B.C., V. Brown, C.N. Service, M. Leclerc, C. Bone, I. McKechnie, C.T. Darimont. . Facets 6(1):465–489. 

  • 2020 – Duffield, S., I. McKechnie, D. St. Claire, & D. McLaren. . The Midden 5(2):34–37.

  • 2020 – Hillis, D., I. McKechnie, E. Guiry, D. St. Claire, & C. T. Darimont. . Scientific Reports 10:15630. 

  • 2020 – McKechnie, I., M. L. Moss, and S. J. Crockford. 2020.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 60:101209. 

  • 2018 – Martindale, A., G.T. Cook, Iain McKechnie, K. Edinborough, I. Hutchinson, M. Eldridge, K. Supernant, and K.M. Ames. . American Antiquity 83(4):659–680. 

  • 2018 – Salomon, A. K., K. Lertzman, K. Brown, B. J. Wilson (Kii7iljuus), D. Secord &, Iain McKechnie. . Ecology and Society 23(1) 

  • 2018 - Rodrigues, AT; Iain McKechnie, & DY Yang . PLoS ONE 13 (2), e0192716

  • 2017 – (Armstrong, C. G., A.C. Shoemaker, I. McKechnie, et al.) . PloS One 12(2): e0171883.

  • 2016 – (Iain McKechnie and Madonna L. Moss) . Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.04.006.

  •  Ethnobiology Letters. 6(2):218-223. DOI: 10.14237/ebl.6.2.2015.556

  • 2015 – . BC Studies (187):191–225.
  • 2015 – (with Alan D. McMillan) . BC Studies (187):3–20.

  • 2015 – (Gerald Singh, Iain McKechnie, Todd Braje & Breana Campbell) “. Journal of Archaeological Science 63(11):160–163.

  • 2015 – (Iain McKechnie, Gerald Singh, Todd Braje & Breana Campbell) . Journal of Archaeological Science 58(6):184–186.

  • 2015 – (Gerald Singh & Iain McKechnie) . Journal of Archaeological Science 58(6):175–183.

  • 2014 – (Iain McKechnie, Dana Lepofsky, Madonna L. Moss, Virginia L. Butler, Trevor J. Orchard, Gary Coupland, Fredrick Foster, Megan Caldwell & Ken Lertzman) . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 111(9):E807–E816.

  • 2013 – (with Nicole Smith) . SAA Current Research Online 153(1).

  • 2012 – (Paul Szpak, Trevor Orchard, Iain McKechnie & Darren Gröcke) . Journal of Archaeological Science 39(5):1553–1571.

  • 2012 – (Camilla Speller, Lorenz Hauser, Dana Lepofsky, Daniel Peterson, Jason Moore, Antonia Rodriguez, Madonna Moss, Iain McKechnie & Dongya Y. Yang) . PLoS ONE 7(11):e51122.

  • 2012 – . In Huu7ii: Household Archaeology at a Nuu-chah-nulth Village Site in Barkley Sound, edited by Alan D. McMillan and Denis E. St. Claire, pp. 154–186. Archaeology Press, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

  • 2011 – (with Rebecca Wigen) . In Human Impacts on Seals, Sea Lions, and Sea Otters: Integrating Archaeology and Ecology in the Northeast Pacific, edited by Todd J. Braje and Torben C. Rick, pp. 129–166. University of California Press, Berkeley.

  • 2011 – (Quentin Mackie, Daryl W. Fedje, Duncan McLaren, Nicole Smith & Iain McKechnie) . In Trekking the Shore: Changing Coastlines and the Antiquity of Coastal Settlement, edited by N. F. Bicho, J. A. Haws and L. G. Davis, pp. 51–103. Springer, New York.

  • 2011 – (with Sarah W. Kansa) . SAA Archaeological Record 11(1):10–29.

    • 2015 – co-edited with Alan D. McMillan . BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly (vol. 187).
    • 2015 – co-edited with Sarah W. Kansa and Steve Wolverton . Ethnobiology Letters 6(2)222–284.