
Sexualized violence prevention workshops

Workshop facilitators talking to a group of students

Sexualized violence prevention

It is everyone’s responsibility to learn about and help prevent sexual and gender-based violence on our campus. There are several sexualized violence prevention workshops geared towards students that are offered at UVic.

 UVSS advocacy invites you to celebrate sex, sexual wellness, bodily wellness, expression, and empowerment. Events include, but are not limited to, panels, workshops, live entertainment, community resources, vendors, art giveaways, and more.

 Throughout this workshop, facilitators will cover the very important differences between support, disclosure and reporting, and provide some foundations for supporting survivors of sexualized violence. Facilitators will discuss different approaches and tools that can be used when supporting someone, including: active listening, believing survivors, busting myths, showing empathy and making referrals.

Tools for Change: Preventing Sexualized Violence at UVicTools for Change is a highly interactive workshop focused on developing a deep understanding of sexualized violence, learning practical tips and everyday language to meaningfully ask for and give consent, developing strategies for preventing sexualized violence and gaining knowledge of campus resources and supports.

 This workshop is intended to provide folks with the information, skills and opportunity to understand and practice consent. Through activities and discussion, facilitators and participants will bust myths about sexualized violence and gender, explore the concept of rape culture and learn about consent (what it is, why it’s required, how to practice it)