
Access and review your CAPP report

Now that you've declared your program, you need to regularly check in with your Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning (CAPP) report, also known as your degree evaluation, to make sure that you are on track. We recommend that you look at your report each term so that you can track progress and adjust your registration and planning as necessary.

Accessing your CAPP report

Once you've declared your program and have been advised that your record has been updated, you can access your CAPP report online. Log on to your and select More student services and then CAPP report/Degree evaluation under Grades & records.

Interpreting your CAPP report

The CAPP report is a complex document, but once you become comfortable reading it, you will find that it is the best way to keep track of your progress throughout your degree. If you need help at any time, you can always contact us in the Advising Centre by email and phone, or in person—we are happy to assist you.

How to Read an Undergraduate CAPP Report

Calculating remaining electives

Electives are courses that are not specifically required by your program but that are needed to meet your minimum degree requirements (60.0 units with at least 21.0 units at the 300/400 level). Once you've calculated all remaining required courses, you can calculate your remaining electives.

Requesting an approved adjustment

There are several reasons that you might need an adjustment to your CAPP report. These might include a transfer credit course with a grade requirement, a course that you've repeated to achieve a higher grade for a minimum requirement or an approved substitution that you've been given permission for by an academic unit adviser.

If you've reviewed your CAPP report and think you that it needs to be adjusted, we are happy to have an adviser review it. Please email us at  with your student number and what you'd like us to look at, and an adviser will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that we might need more information from you, so monitor your email closely in case we have questions about your record.

How to handle a CAPP report error

If you encounter an error and think your report needs to be reviewed by an adviser, please send an email with your student number and your concern to . An adviser will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Your CAPP report is always up to date with your current registration. As soon as you register for or drop a course, or a grade is posted, your CAPP will reflect the new information. The report assumes that you will successfully complete all courses that you have registered for—if you've registered in extra courses, make sure you adjust your calculations.