
Apply transfer or exchange credit

Courses taken at other post-secondary institutions will be evaluated for transfer credit which can be applied toward your UVic degree.

Taking courses at another institution

Courses taken prior to attending UVic

When you apply to UVic, you will need to provide us with official copies of all post-secondary coursework. Official transcripts are issued directly to UVic by your institution, or issued to you in a sealed envelope which you provide to UVic. Transfer credit will be assessed upon admission to UVic.

Courses taken while attending UVic

If you decide to take a course at another institution while you are attending UVic (or between terms, like in the summer), you need to notify us before you register for the class. You officially notify UVic of your intention by submitting a Letter of Permission request. On your request, you will let us know which courses you are considering taking.

Request for Letter of Permission to Take Courses Elsewhere

We will review your request and wherever possible let you know which transfer credit you will receive. This way, you will know how the courses will transfer before you take the courses. This will help in your program planning.

Submitting transcripts

You will need to arrange for official transcripts to be sent to UVic by the institution you are attending. Usually, you can order transcripts online from the Registrars office and they will be sent directly to UVic. However, transcripts can also be issued directly to you as long as they are in an official sealed envelope and you do not open it prior to submitting to UVic.

Keep in mind: If you take a course at another institution near the end of your degree, you must ensure that the transcripts arrive at UVic on time. We encourage you not to take a course elsewhere during your final term at UVic, as you will not be able to submit transcripts in time to be eligible for graduation. Remember: transfer credit is not optional so you can't ask to have this transfer credit ignored—it will hold up your graduation.

Transfer credit is not optional. If you have completed coursework at another post-secondary institution, you must submit transcripts to UVic. You can not choose to decline transfer credit. If you do not submit official transcripts or if you attempt to conceal coursework from another institution, we will consider this .