
Academic Advising Centre

Need academic advice but unsure who to ask?

Read through this page for a quick overview of the advice and supports different advisers offer, as well as your responsibilities as a student.

Frontline advisers can help with

  • responding to general questions and making referrals,
  • assisting students with appointment bookings for more complex questions,
  • providing information on academic policies and procedures,
  • accessing forms for different situations and providing instructions for next steps, and
  • connecting students to academic tools and resources.

Academic advisers can help with

  • exploring program options in the Faculties of Humanities, Science and Social Sciences,
  • explaining university, faculty, and program requirements,
  • helping students create a program plan (see our program planning page),
  • reviewing your degree evaluation (CAPP) report and making any necessary adjustments, and
  • completing a graduation check.

Unit advisers can help with

  • providing students with program-specific information (e.g., English, Psychology, Biology, etc.),
  • responding to program-specific curriculum questions,
  • considering relevant course waivers and substitutions,
  • evaluating relevant transfer or exchange credits, and
  • discussing entry into an honours program.

Student responsibilities include

  • reading the academic calendar and knowing important dates (e.g., course drop deadlines),
  • registering for courses and creating your own timetable,
  • taking enough courses to meet any requirements (e.g., loans, scholarships, housing, study permits, varsity, etc.),
  • declaring your program(s) of study, and
  • monitoring your CAPP report throughout your degree.
Still unsure who to ask for academic advice? Speak with a frontline adviser by phone at 250-721-7567 ext. 6.