
Invest in a student

Sarah Khan, winner of the Schulich Leader Scholarship and the 3M National Student Fellowship, discussing how the experiences she found at UVic are preparing her for her goal of becoming a doctor and supporting her home community in rural British Columbia.

Our highest priority is helping our students succeed.

Our goal is to ensure that our students are equipped with critical thinking skills and the scientific rigor to make a positive impact, wherever they go. We need your support to attract the best students from around the world, regardless of their financial circumstances. By creating or contributing to a student award, whether it is a scholarship based on academic achievement or a bursary based on financial need, you'll help deserving students access education. Student awards assist in removing some of the financial barriers faced by our students, helping them reach their full potential while being recognized for academic excellence, achievement and leadership.

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If you have any questions about giving or would like assistance planning your contribution, please contact:

Title Name Phone Email
Development Officer Kate MacDonald 250-721-6102 sciencedev@uvic.ca 
Alumni Relations Officer Valeria Bazan 250-472-5717 sciencealum@uvic.ca 

Giving stories:

Student-recipient stories: