
Support research and innovation

An endowed chair position allows Dr. Juanes to focus on fisheries research through different perspectives. “We’re trying to understand how changes in the environment—the warming of the ocean, or increased noise—affect organisms. Or more broadly, how human activities are changing marine ecosystems.”

Shape the future.

Science prepares us for concepts we can’t imagine today, but will shape our world tomorrow. Whether it’s working on a more potent treatment to fight cancer, developing more accurate climate prediction models or understanding the secrets of anti-matter, UVic's Faculty of Science leads the way.

We need your support to recruit and retain world-class researchers. Be part of our mission by supporting a research chair, professorship, fellowship or a teaching opportunity.

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If you have any questions about giving or would like assistance planning your contribution, please contact:

Title Name Phone Email
Development Officer Kate MacDonald 250-721-6102 sciencedev@uvic.ca 
Alumni Relations Officer Valeria Bazan 250-472-5717 sciencealum@uvic.ca