
Equity and diversity

The Faculty of Science strongly affirms the university's policies on equity and fairness, as detailed in the Policy on Human Rights, Equity and Fairness.


EDI Survey Info


Faculty of Science EDI Council

The Faculty of Science Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Council advises the dean on the development of policies and procedures to ensure the faculty is a welcoming, supportive, diverse and inclusive working and learning environment.

We also work with our departmental EDI committees to support education initiatives. In 2021 we co-hosted two public events:

  • "One Sky, Many Astronomies" with Wilfred Buck: a discussion about astronomy and the deep knowledge that First Nations people have about the sky
  • movie screening and public discussion: the film chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists

Share your thoughts with us using our suggestion box or reach out directly to your council rep.

Council members

Name Title/Department Email
Laura Cowen Chair, ADR Science
Adam Monahan ADA Science
Julia Denley UVSS rep
Lorissa Corrie GSS rep
Anita Thambirajah Postdoc/Research Associate rep
Lydia Toorenbourgh Tri-Faculty Indigenous Resurgence Coordinator
Valeria Bazan Staff rep
Damineh Akhavan Alumni rep
Doug Briant BCMB
Julia Baum BIOL
Cornelia Bohne CHEM
Kieka Mynhardt MATH
Arif Babul PHYS
Ed Nissen SEOS

Department committees

Indigenous resources

UVic recognizes that colonization and associated attitudes, policies and institutions have significantly changed Indigenous peoples’ relationship with this land. And for many years those same things served to exclude Indigenous students from higher education.

Today, we are taking steps to create a warm, welcoming and respectful learning and working environment and sense of place to support our goals of creating a campus community that is accepting of diversity and inclusive of Indigenous ways of knowing and being.

Explore the Indigenous social, cultural and academic supports and resources available at UVic. 

Faculty and staff resources

The UVic Faculty and staff website has a comprehensive list of campus services including safety and security, and health and wellness.

The Equity and Human Rights Office provides leadership in the development of plans, policies and procedures which support UVic's organizational and legislative commitments to provide equitable access to and participation in employment and educational opportunities. Get support from their team. You can also explore the wealth of resources on their website like fair recruitment practices and trans inclusion guidelines. 

Student support services

Student Wellness offers a variety of services to support students’ mental, physical and spiritual health. You can make a same-day or pre-booked appointment with a counsellor, nurse, physician, or spiritual care provider. You can also explore their comprehensive list of UVic academic supportscampus supports, and Greater Victoria community resources.

The  and the  provide advocacy, representation, services, and events for its members.