
FAQs for Chemistry Major & Honours students

Curriculum transition 2019-20 FAQs

The link to the UVic calendar information on students' rights and responsibilities concerning program changes:


FAQs for Chemistry Major & Honours students:

  • What program do I follow to graduate?

If you started your degree in the fall of 2018 and you did not take and pass Chem 231 in the Spring of 2019 (see below) you need to follow the new degree program.

If you started your degree earlier than fall 2018, you may graduate under either the old or the new program.

If you choose to graduate under the old program, you will need to complete your second year Chemistry requirements in 2019-20. If you are unable to do this, please check with the Chemistry Major/Honours Advisor.


  • If I have taken one or more of Chem 213, 222, and 232, do I have to graduate under the old program?


Please check the transition flowchart for how to complete second year Chem courses .

Also, note that offerings of some of the required courses will be limited going forward. Please check with the Chemistry Major/Honours Advisor for questions on third and fourth year requirements, and check the transition flowchart.


  • If I started my degree in the fall of 2018 and I have passed Chem 231 in the Spring of 2019 (Jan-Apr) which program should I follow to graduate?

You should follow the old program and take Chem 213, 222 and 232 in 2019-20 (or the summer of 2019). You will have received an e-mail in March 2019 explaining how to deal with the pre-requisites when you register for the Fall of 2019. If you cannot register check with the Department (chem@uvic.ca).


  • What if I still need Chem 213 to complete the old degree program, but it is no longer offered?

Chem 213 will be offered in 2019-20. If you are unable to take the course at that time, you should check with the Chemistry Major/Honours Advisor to find out the appropriate course substitution.


  • Do I need to take Chem 260?

If you have taken Chem 222 or Chem 232, you cannot take Chem 260.

Please check the transition flowchart for how to complete second year Chem courses.

Note that Chem 213, 222, and 232 will not be offered after 2019-20. If you are unable to fit the outstanding course(s) into your schedule in 2019-20, please check with the Chemistry Major/Honours Advisor.

  • Do I need to take Chem 225 and 234 if I have already taken Chem 222 and 232?


Please check the transition flowchart for how to complete second year Chem courses.

  • Do I need to take Biol 186?

If you are completing your degree under the old program, you do not need to take Biol 186.

If you started your degree in fall 2019, you will follow the new program and you do need to take Biol 186.

If you started your degree between fall 2018 and fall 2019, Biol 186 can be substituted by another first year Science course.


  • How will Chem 36x labs work under the new program?

These will continue to be one-term, 1.5 unit courses as in the old program.


  • What 300/400 level Chem courses are offered, and when?

Please check the upcoming course offerings here.


  • Do I need to take Chem 405?

If you are completing your degree under the new program, you need to take Chem 405.

If you are completing your degree under the old program, you do not need to take Chem 405, but you may take it as an elective if you wish.