
Frequently asked questions

Can I take Chem 091 even if I have not completed Chem 11?
No, the web-based Chem 091 course requires a good introductory background to be successful in the course.

Does the Chemistry Department waive the prerequisites for Chem 101?
No, students must complete Mathematics 12 and Chemistry 11 (or its equivalent) to enroll in Chem 101.

Since I can register in Chem 102 before I complete Chem 101, can I still take Chem 102 if I fail Chem 101?
No, successful completion of Chem 101 is required prior to taking Chem 102.

Will the Chemistry Department waive the prerequisites for first and second year courses?
No, the prerequisites assure that students have the background needed in order to be successful in each course.

Can I challenge a chemistry course?
No. Course challenge is not available in the chemistry department.

When do I declare my program? Can I change my mind?
You can your program once you have completed 12 credits units. can be made (one free per term).

I have started in the chemistry program, but I noticed that some program requirements have recently changed. What should I do?
You may choose to graduate under either the old or the new program requirements

Which physics courses should I take?
Most chemistry students should take Phys 110 and 111. If you are especially interested in physics or maths you may consider the Phys 120/130 combination.

What counts as an elective?
All undergraduate courses (in any faculty) are acceptable for elective credit (see ). These must still be chosen keeping in mind the other rules for degree requirements, such as the required number of upper level courses.

Can I take a 3rd-year science course for the 2nd-year science requirement?
In your chemistry degree, you must do some second-year science from outside chemistry. Only certain 3rd-year courses may be substituted for this purpose. `The general principle applied is that if a course is acceptable for students doing a degree in that discipline then it will probably be OK; if it is only available for elective credit in that discipline than it will not be acceptable.

How do I get into honours?
After you have completed your second year, you may be admitted into honours. There is no specific GPA entry requirement, but you will need a graduating GPA of 5.50 to graduate with an honours degree; the chemistry department does not track your GPA to see if you will satisfy this goal. To apply for honours, first see the chemistry honours/majors adviser, who will email the advising centre that chemistry accepts you into honours. Then you need to go over to the advising centre to declare your honours program.

Should I do an honours degree?
This is largely a personal choice. In general, if you are good at chemistry and intending to enter grad school, you should consider an honours degree. It may be possible to enter grad school with only a majors degree, but since grad school admission requirements across the country vary, it is not possible to give any universal rules. Even if entry with a majors degree is possible, makeup coursework may be required. You should consult the grad schools you are considering for further information.

What do I do if I miss a lab period?
Please contact the coordinator of the lab course immediately you know that you will miss it. Contact may be by phone, email or in person. The coordinators are listed in the manuals, on this web site and on the course web sites.