
Teaching award winners

teaching award

Recognition of teaching excellence

The department cares deeply about teaching, and has many outstanding instructors. Some have been formally recognized as such, and are featured below. We also have fantastic TAs - be sure to check out our lists of winners of the Department Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and the Andy Farquharson Awards for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching.

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neil2012/2013- Scott McIndoe ().

neil2009 - Neil Burford (Faculty of Science Award for Excellence in Teaching, Dalhousie University).

Penny Codding2008/2009 - Penelope Codding (): "... an outstanding and constantly innovative instructor... charismatic with a genuine interest in those she teaches... she has touched the lives of many of her students, and the care she puts into her teaching and her students is phenomenal."

Robert Lipson2008 - Rob Lipson (The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching, Western University).

Tom Fyles 2006/2007 - Tom Fyles (): "...dedicated to the notion of teaching excellence and is unconditionally dedicated to his students... Tom Fyles' contributions to the teaching enterprise at UVic can only be described as exceptional."

Kelli Fawkes2006 - Kelli Fawkes (): "... Kelli has earned the respect of faculty, graduate students and undergrads with her enthusiasm, organizational skills and eye for detail."

Dave Berg2004/2005 - David Berg (): "...one of the most popular instructors... frequently seen (and heard) chatting with students... his patience and enthusiasm are a testimony to his passion for teaching."

Dave Berry2000 - Dave Berry (): "...for his teaching excellence and exceptionally high degree of leadership and commitment to the improvement of university teaching."

1997 - Dave Berry (): "Those of us who are exposed to Dr. Berry cannot help being infected with his love for science and teaching."

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Department Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching

In 2008/2009, the structure of the Andy Farquharson award (see below) was changed to recognize only three winners across the campus. The Department of Chemistry chose to create its own award for excellence in teaching, and that winner becomes the department’s nominee for the Andy Farquharson award.

Candidates for the department award must be registered graduate students at UVic who teach in the Chemistry department. Past winners of the Chemistry department’s Award for Excellence in Teaching are:

  • 2016 - James McFarlane, Dillon Hofsommer and William FitzGerald
  • 2015 - Corey Sanz and Lars Yunker
  • 2014 - Koh Yin Hong and Sandra Roy 
  • 2013 - Rhonda Stoddard and Natasha O'Rourke
  • 2012 - Kevin Allen, Caleb Bromba, Paul Covert and Emma Nicholls-Allison
  • 2010/11 - Brynn Dooley and Krista Vikse
  • 2009/10 - Danielle Chisholm, Yunyan Hou and Jonathan Chui
  • 2008/09 - Kevin Anderson

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Andy Farquharson Awards

The are for registered graduate students who have excelled in their teaching during the preceding calendar year. Any form of teaching within the university may be included. The award is named after a past director of UVic's Learning andTeaching Centre.

Past winners:

  • 2019 - Leah Gajecki
  • 2014 - Emma Nicholls-Allison
  • 2011 - Brynn Dooley
  • 2010 - Jonathan Chui
  • 2008 - Joe Gilroy
  • 2007 - Horace Luong
  • 2006 - Steve McKinnon
  • 2005 - Dan Myles
  • 2004 - Paul O'Connor
  • 2003 - Roy Jensen
  • 2002 - Bryan Koivisto
  • 2001 - Todd Sutherland
  • 2000 - Darryl Brousmiche

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