

The Calendar gives the  for completing an MSc or PhD in Chemistry. Make sure that you have read them. Some additional information that may be helpful is given below:

  • At UVic a one-term lecture course with approximately three lectures per week is worth 1.5 units. A "module" worth 0.5 units contains about 1/3 this amount of work and three such modules can be substituted for a lecture course.
  • Discussion courses are 1.5 unit courses in which you discuss papers from the literature. These come in two versions  (for physical/analytical chemists) or  (for organic/inorganic chemists).
  • You also have to take . This is a pass/fail module that deals with professional topics such as searching the literature/ethics and plagiarism/paper writing, etc. This is called a module because it is a short course, but there is no credit associated with this course, and it cannot be used as one of the three modules that substitute for a lecture course.
  • Each term you will register in Chem 509 (seminar) and either Chem 599 (MSc research) or Chem 699 (PhD research), as well as any lecture, discussion or module courses that you are taking. The research courses are just formal recognition that you are doing research, and there are no additional requirements associated with them. For Chem 509, you are required to attend  once or sometimes twice a week. You get an INP (in-progress) grade at the end of the term. Later in your degree you will present a seminar to the department and will receive 1.0 units of credit for Chem 509. There is more information about this below.
  • Consult your supervisor about the choice of discussion and lecture courses. In general it is recommended that you complete your coursework as soon as possible, after which you can focus exclusively on your research. MSc students can complete all their coursework in one term, by taking one discussion course, one lecture course and Chem 505. On the other hand, there are limited lecture courses and modules offered in any given term so you might delay until a desired course is offered. For students concerned about their ability in English to complete the discussion courses, it is recommended that you sit in on the first available discussion course even if you do not take it for credit, and can take it for credit later. Consult your supervisor and the course instructor about this. Note that if you attend the course without registering, you cannot later decide you want credit for it.

Department Seminars, Your Seminar, and Graduate Student Research Days

Chem 509 course requirements

Graduate students must register for Chem 509 in both terms of every Winter Session during their degree program.

Enrolment in Chem 509 requires that students attend Chemistry Department Seminars as described in the syllabus each academic year (see below), and attend both Graduate Student Research Days (GSRDs) in November and February, and give a departmental seminar, normally in Term 4 or 5 of the MSc program or Term 10 or 11 of the PhD program.

A "COM" grade is assigned for Chem 509 when you submit your “Request for Oral Exam” upon completion of your thesis, as long as you have attended the requisite number of seminars for that term, and have given your departmental seminar. If you are submitting mid-term, consult with the instructor for the number of seminar attendances needed.

Guidelines for seminar attendance

Chemistry Department Seminars take place on Mondays and/or Thursdays, 11:30 am – 12:45 pm.

Bookmark the  and check it regularly, in case of changes.

Graduate students must attend 9 seminars in each term that Chemistry Department Seminars are scheduled. You are welcome to attend more! If you do not attend the requisite number of seminars, you must complete some extra seminar-related assignment, to be determined by the Chem 509 instructor.

Before leaving each seminar, initial the Chem 509 attendance sheet next to your name. Note: by signing the sheet, you are officially stating that you have attended the entire seminar. This statement falls under the Academic Integrity regulations outlined in the UVic Graduate Calendar.

As part of your Chem 509 attendance each term, you may attend up to three seminars from outside the Chemistry Department Seminar series (e.g. CAMTEC, Biochemistry, Physics, ad hoc Chemistry seminars), with permission from both the 509 instructor and your supervisor. To obtain permission, send an email request to the 509 instructor with a cc to your supervisor, prior to the date of the extra-departmental seminar you wish to attend. (Permission will not be granted for ad hoc seminars in the Chemistry Department that occur on the same days as official Department seminars.) The email should include full details of the seminar, including a URL or email notification for the event. Requests to substitute seminars will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For all seminars, you are expected to show respect for the speakers and for other attendees. Arrive on time - late arrivals are disruptive for the speaker and the audience.

Graduate Student Research Days (GSRDs)

Graduate students give their departmental seminars during two GSRDs. These one-day mini conferences happen during the November and February Reading Breaks. The exact format will vary depending on the number of students presenting, and will be communicated early each term. All graduate students are required to attend these events. The GSRDs include poster sessions; every graduate student must give one poster or oral presentation at a GSRD during each academic year.

The Chem 509 instructor will schedule all presentations for the two GSRDs, in consultation with supervisors. In July, student speakers will be told in which GSRD they are scheduled to present. In September, poster presenters will be told in which GSRD they are scheduled to present.

Co-op and Internships

Co-op and internship opportunities, where you work in an industry, are possible in a Chemistry program, at the discretion of your supervisor. Acceptance of these may (or may not) change your overall funding picture or the timeline for completion of your degree, candidacy exams etc. Consult with your supervisor and the Graduate Advisor.