
Upcoming oral examinations

Student Supervisor Schedule & Location Title  

Daisuke Yamakawa


Barbara Hawkins

Oct 10 9:00AM

CLE B017

Proanthocyanidins in Poplar Roots - Effects on Mycorrhizal Colonization and Nitrogen Uptake


2024 Summer

  • Emily May(PhD, Rana El-Sabaawi) Improving our understanding of vertebrates in nutrient recycling and ecological stoichiometry
  • Julianne Radford(MSc, Steve Perlman) Male fitness and the persistence of a selfish X chromosome in Drosophila testacea
  • Kaitlyn Zerr(MSc, Julia Baum) Oceanic Atoll provides refuge for elasmobranchs amidst global declines and promotes opportunities to finance conservation

2024 Spring

  • Rebecca Crawford(MSc, Diana Varela & Ryan Gawryluk) Spatial and Seasonal Variability in Eukaryotic Phytoplankton Composition in the Arctic Ocean Revealed with Metabarcoding Analysis
  • Geoffrey deRosenroll(PhD, Gautam Awatramanil) Neuronal computations supporting direction selectivity in the mouse retina
  • Emma Hayward(MSc, Juergen Ehlting) Swiss Needle Cast and the Foliar Mycobiome of Coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
  • Michael Livingston(PhD, Diana Varela) Transparent Exopolymer Particles and Phytoplankton Nutrient Physiology in the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans
  • Olivia Melville(MSc, Diana Varela) The role of siliceous Rhizaria in the silicon cycle in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific Ocean
  • Kelsie Murchy(PhD, Francis Juanes) Impacts of marine shipping on the underwater soundscape and Chinook salmon behaviour

2023 Fall

  • Katie Innes(MSc, Francis Juanes) Feeding and bioenergetics of Chinook Salmon during the first winter at sea
  • Eerik Piirtola(PhD, Peter Constabel) Chemistry and biochemistry of Populus leaf bud resin
  • Mackenzie Woods(MSc, Francis Juanes) The effects of anthropogenic noise on the behaviour and vocalizations of plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus

2023 Summer

  • Chris Anderson(MSc, Bob Chow) Post-transcriptional regulation of Vsx1 in the developing mouse retina
  • Kaede Hirabayashi(MSc, Gregory Owens) Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) species origin and subspecies divergence through genome sequencing and assembly

2023 Spring

  • Claire McPolin(MSc, Barbara Hawkins) Ectomycorrhizal fungal endemism and rainforest nutrition in Pacific Northeast
  • Prathyusha Ravi Chander(MSc, Gatuam Awatramani) Orientation selectivity in the population of ON-OFF direction-selective ganglion cells in the mouse retina
  • Penny Young(MSc, Raad Nashmi) Investigating the Role of the Lateral Nigrostriatal Pathway in Modulating Voluntary Movement 

2022 Fall

  • Harley Gordon(PhD, Peter Constabel) Unexpected Connections: Salicinoid Biosynthesis in Poplar
  • Rhonda Reidy(PhD, Francis Juanes/ Laura Cowann) Fine-scale Prey and Foraging Behaviour of Humpback Whales in Southern British Columbia

2022 Summer

  • Hayley Barnes(MSc, John Taylor) A deep dive into the sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) opsin repertoire: insight into melanopsin expression, localization and function in an unlikely demersal model
  • Lise Nehring(MSc, Barbara Hawkins) Assessing the contribution of Red Alder (Alnus rubra) to forest stand nitrogen budgets
  • Alberto Ruiz de Chavez Ginzo(MSc, Bob Chow) The mechanism underlying bipolar cell subtype specificationThe mechanism underlying bipolar cell subtype specification

2022 Spring

  • Lia Chalifour(PhD, Julia Baum) Nearshore habitat use, estuarine residency, and conservation priorities for Pacific Salmon in the Fraser River, British Columbia
  • Camille Giuliano(MSc, Terri Lacourse) Holocene Fire Frequency and Links to Climate and Vegetation History on Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada 
  • Laura Hanson(PhD, Gautam Awatramani) Mechanisms and circuitry underlying direction selectivity in the mouse retina
  • Yalin Liu(MSc, Peter Constabel) CRISPR/Cas9 Mutation of MYB134 and MYB115 To Study Regulation and Functions of Proanthocyanidins in Poplar Roots

2021 Fall

  • Kieran Cox(PhD, Francis Juanes) Intertidal Resource Cultivation Over Millennia Structures Coastal Biodiversity

2021 Summer

  • Dominique Maucieri(MSc, Julia Baum) Impacts of local and global disturbances on coral biodiversity

2021 Spring

  • Kevin Bruce(MSc, Julia Baum) Application of structure-from-motion photogrammetry to quantify coral reef structural complexity change following a mass mortality event
  • Jillian Campbell(MSc, Francis Juanes) Examining the Influence of Depth and Tidal Current on Nearshore Fish Communities Using Scientific and Citizen Science Data
  • Garth Covernton(PhD, John Dower/ Sarah Dudas ) Microplastics in Coastal Marine Ecosystems: Some Methodological, Anthropogenic, and Ecological Considerations
  • Ainsley Fraser(MSc, Rana El-Sabaawi) Characterizing Phenotypic Diversity in Marine Populations of Threespine Sticklebacks
  • Audrey McPherson(MSc, Steve Perlman/ Paul Abram) Factors influencing the intriguing persistence of a Wolbachia symbiont in spotted wing Drosophila
  • Nicholas Planidin(MSc, Thomas Reimchen) Asymmetry in the lateral line of threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus: ecology, evolution and behaviour
  • Candice Powell(MSc, Steve Perlman) Fitness and transmission of a selfish X chromosome in female Drosophila testacea

2020 Fall

  • Gerry Gourlay(PhD, Peter Constabel/ Barbara Hawkins) Condensed tannins as in vivo antioxidants in Populus tremula x tremuloides
  • Hollie Johnson(MSc, Ben Koop) Northern Pike of North America: Population Genomics and Sex Determination
  • David Ma(PhD, Peter Constabel) Functional Characterization of Flavonoid R2R3-MYB Activators and Repressors Transcriptional Regulators in Poplar
  • Jenny Smith(MSc, Julia Baum) Herbivorous coral reef fish responses to local and global stressorsHerbivorous coral reef fish responses to local and global stressors
  • Kristina Tietjen(MSc, Julia Baum) Implications of heat stress and local human disturbance on early life stage corals
  • Marie Vance(PhD, Barbara Hawkins/ Patrick von Aderkas) Population genomics of a timberline conifer, subalpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.)

2020 Summer

  • Andrea Coulter(PhD, Patrick von Aderkas) Condensed tannins as in vivo antioxidants in Populus tremula x tremuloides
  • Hollie Johnson(MSc, Ben Koop) Northern Pike of North America: Population Genomics and Sex Determination
  • David Ma(PhD, Peter Constabel) Functional Characterization of Flavonoid R2R3-MYB Activators and Repressors Transcriptional Regulators in Poplar

2020 Spring

  • Yuriko Carrington(PhD, Juergen Ehlting) Biochemistry and evolution of the shikimate dehydrogenase/quinate dehydrogenase gene family in plants
  • Geoffrey Osgood(PhD, Julia Baum) Chondrichthyan conservation in marine protected areas: Elucidating species associations in two chondrichthyan hotspots using non-invasive techniques

2019 Fall

  • Gerry Gourlay(PhD, Peter Constabel/ Barbara Hawkins) Condensed tannins as in vivo antioxidants in Populus tremula x tremuloides
  • Hollie Johnson(MSc, Ben Koop) Northern Pike of North America: Population Genomics and Sex Determination
  • David Ma(PhD, Peter Constabel) Functional Characterization of Flavonoid R2R3-MYB Activators and Repressors Transcriptional Regulators in Poplar
  • Jenny Smith(MSc, Julia Baum) Herbivorous coral reef fish responses to local and global stressorsHerbivorous coral reef fish responses to local and global stressors
  • Kristina Tietjen(MSc, Julia Baum) Implications of heat stress and local human disturbance on early life stage corals
  • Marie Vance(PhD, Barbara Hawkins/ Patrick von Aderkas) Population genomics of a timberline conifer, subalpine larch (Larix lyallii Parl.)

2019 Summer

  • Rhea Ashmead(MSc, Francis Choy) Purification of Human Recombinant Naglu from Sf9 cells and Uptake Studies with MPS IIIB Fibroblasts
  • Emily Campbell(MSc, Francis Juanes & Travis Gerwing) Passive Restoration and Non-Invasive Monitoring of Soft-Sediment Ecosystems on the North Coast of British Columbia, Canada
  • Therese Frauendorf(PhD, Rana El-Sabaawi) The effects of climate change and introduced species on tropical island streams
  • Kathrina Harms(MSc, Louise Page) Surprise in a small package: foregut metamorphosis in the marine ectoparasitic snail Odostomia tenuisculpta (Family Pyramidellidae)
  • Rande Kannne(MSc, Geraldine Allen & Barbabra Hawkins) Phylogeographic patterns and migration history of Garry oak (Quercus garryana)
  • Piata Marques(PhD, Rana El-Sabaawi) Characterizing the effects of urbanization on stream biota using a trait-based approach

2019 Spring

  • Jacob Weil(MSc, Francis Juanes) Variability in the energy density of prey and its consequences for growth in juvenile Chinook Salmon
  • Kennedy Boateng(PhD, Drs. Barbara Hawkins & Peter Constabel) Red alder (Alnus rubra) defense mechanisms against western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californicum) defoliation

2018 Fall

  • Matthew Adeleye(MSc, Terri Lacourse) A Multi-proxy Paleoecological Study of Anderson Fen, Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
  • Danielle Claar(PhD, Dr. Julia Baum) Coral Symbioses Under Stress: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Coral-Symbiodinium Interactions
  • Caitlin Curtis(MSc, Dr. Steve Perlman) Genetics and ecology of an unusual sex ratio distorter in the booklouse Liposcelis sp.
  • Jennifer Magel(MSc, Dr. Julia Baum) Effects of heat stress and local human disturbance on the structure of coral reef ecosystems at multiple scales of biological organization
  • Monique Raap(MSc, Drs. Ben Koop & Helen Gurney-Smith) Anthropogenic modifications and their impacts on shellfish physiology

2018 Summer

  • Juan Aldana(PhD, Drs. Barbara Hawkins & John Russell) Resistance mechanisms to Didymascella thujina  (Durand) Maire in Thuja plicata  Donn ex D. Don, Thuja standishii  (Gord.) Carrière and Thuja standishii × plicata   
  • Nova Hanson(MSc, Dr. Louise Page) Developmental modularity in the adult feeding structures of the predatory gastropod, Amphissa columbiana (Neogastropoda; Columbellidae)
  • Lucianne Marshall(MSc, Dr. Diana Varela) Progression of Marine Phytoplankton Blooms and Environmental Dynamics from Sea- Ice Coverage to Open Waters in the coastal Arctic: Comparing experimental data with continuous cabled observations
  • Jillian McAllister(MSc, Dr. Patrick Gregory) Natural History of Common Gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) in East-Central British Columbia

2018 Spring

  • Kyle Beer(MSc, Dr. Terri Lacourse) Holocene Ecosystem Dynamics of a Central Vancouver Island Wetland: Development, Vegetation Change, and Carbon Accumulation
  • Mauricio Carrasquilla(PhD, Dr. Francis Juanes) Ecological importance of nearshore habitats to sustain small-scale fisheries
  • Graeme Keais(MSc, Dr. Steve Perlman) X Chromosome Drive in Drosophila testacea
  • Anastasia Litke(MSc, Dr. Bob Chow) Investigating the pathogenicity of missense mutations in VSX1 and their association with corneal dystrophies
  • Amanda McLaughlin(PhD, Dr. John Taylor) Na+ channels enhance low contrast signalling in the superior-coding direction-selective circuit
  • David Minkley(MSc, Dr. Ben Koop) Transposable Elements in the Salmonid Genome
  • Michael Minkley(MSc, Drs. Raad Nashmi & Patrick Walter) Ironing out the Pathophysiology of Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA) -  Clinical Investigations and Disease Modelling Yield Novel Evidence of Systemic Dysfunction and Provide a Robust and Accurate Disease Model of NBIA
  • Amy Teffer(PhD, Dr. Francis Juanes) Impacts of cumulative thermal and fishery stressors and infection development on the health and survival of adult Pacific salmon during freshwater residence

2017 Fall

  • Aaron Eger(MSc, Dr. Julia Baum) The role of predators and species diversity in structuring marine ecosystems
  • Cameron Freshwater(PhD, Drs. Francis Juanes & Marc Trudel) Ecological drivers of variation in juvenile sockeye salmon marine migrations
  • Eric Rondeau(PhD, Dr. Ben Koop) Conserved synteny in the genomes of teleost fish aids in the rapid development of genomic tools to query fundamental biological and evolutionary questions
  • Debra Wertman(Msc, Drs. Steve Perlman & Kathy Bleiker)The light at the end of the tunnel: Photosensitivity in developing mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae)

2017 Summer

  • Erin Hornell(MSc, Dr. Brad Anholt) Diet dependent sex ratios in Tigriopus californicus: Evidence for environmental sex determination in a system with polygenic sex determination
  • Ramnique Ubhi(MSc, Dr. Barbara Hawkins) Nitrogen Form Uptake Capacities by Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Ectomycorrhizae
  • Di Wu(MSc, Dr. Robert Chow) The role of Hh signaling in mouse retinal bipolar cell subtype development

2017 Spring

  • Jasem Estakr(MSc, Dr. Raad Nashmi) Cholinergic neurotransmission in different subregions of the substantia nigra differentially controls DA neuronal excitability and locomotion
  • Jamie McDevitt-Irwin(MSc, Dr. Julia Baum) The unseen world of coral reefs: impact of local and global stressors on coral microbiome community structure
  • Angeleen Olson(MSc, Drs. Francis Juanes & Margot Hessing-Lewis) Seagrass meadows as seascape nurseries for rockfish (Sebastes spp.): habitat adjacency impacts on recruitment and food webs
  • James Robinson(PhD, Dr. Julia Baum) Disentangling human degradation from environmental constraints: macroecological insights into the structure of coral reef fish and benthic communities
  • Anne Shaffer(PhD, Dr. Francis Juanes) Nearshore Restoration Associated with Large Dam Removal and Implications for Ecosystem Recovery and Conservation of Northeast Pacific Fish: Lessons Learned from the Elwha Dam Removal

2016 Fall

  • Annette Alber(PhD, Drs. Juergen Ehlting & Daniele Werck)
    Phenolic 3-hydroxylases in land plants: biochemical diversity and molecular evolution
  • Daniel Durston(MSc, Dr. Rana El-Sabaawi)
    How the evolution of bony traits influences resource interactions in threespine stickleback
  • Laura Kennedy(MSc, Drs. Rana El-Sabaawi & Francis Juanes)
     Eelgrass habitat as near-shore foraging grounds for juvenile Pacific salmon
  • Giulia Rossi(MSc, Dr. Verena Tunnicliffe)
    The reproductive and physiological condition of a deep-sea mussel (Bathymodiolus septemdierum Hashimoto & Okutani 1994) living in extremely acidic conditions
  • Philip-Edouard Shay(PhD, Drs. Peter Constabel & John A. Trofymow)
    The effects of condensed tannins, nitrogen and climate on decay, nitrogen mineralisation and microbial communities in forest tree leaf litter

2016 Summer

  • Brenna Collicutt(MSc, Drs. Francis Juanes & Sarah Dudas)
    The anthropogenic influence of shellfish aquaculture and microplastics on juvenile Pacific salmon on the east coast of Vancouver Island
  • Aharon Fleury (MSc, Dr. Francis Juanes)
    Reproductive biology and ecology of Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii) and Black hagfish (Eptatretus deani) off the coast of Vancouver Island, BC
  • Eric Hertz (PhD, Dr. Asit Mazumder)
    The drivers and implications of spatial and temporal variation in the feeding ecology of juvenile Chinook Salmon
  • Alex Hoggarth (MSc, Dr. Gautam Awatramani)
    Multiple Layers of Inhibition in the Direction Coding Circuit in Mouse Retina
  • Jessica Holden (MSc, Dr. Francis Juanes)
    Beach-cast deposition, food provision, and commercial harvesting of a non-indigenous seaweed, Mazzaella japonica, in Baynes Sound, British Columbia
  • Thomas Iwanicki (MSc, Dr. John Taylor)
    The visual opsins of the starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus), a new model for studying the physiological and molecular basis of fish vision and light sensitivity
  • Kim Kennedy (MSc, Dr. Rana El-Sabaawi)
    Exotic vs. Native: Global and urban investigations of leaf litter decay in streams
  • Jillian Lemmen (MSc, Dr. Terri Lacourse)
    Using Fossil Midges from Saltspring Island, British Columbia to Infer Changes in Temperature Over the Last 14,000 Years
  • Mary Toews (MSc, Dr. Francis Juanes)
    Managing human footprint with respect to its effects on large mammals: Implications of spatial scale, divergent responses and ecological thresholds


2016 Spring

  • Jackson Chu (PhD, Dr. Verena Tunnicliffe)
    Influence of Seasonally Variable Hypoxia on Epibenthic Communities in a Coastal Ecosystem, British Columbia, Canada
  • Justin Suraci (PhD, Drs. Michael Clinchy & Brad Anholt)
    Fear in Wildlife Food Webs: Large Carnivore Predation Risk Mediates the Impacts of a Mammalian Mesopredator

2015 Fall

  • Robert Bourdon (MSc, Drs. Sarah Dudas & Francis Juanes)
    The interactions of fish communities and shellfish aquaculture in Baynes Sound, British Columbia
  • Geoffrey de Rosenroll (MSc, Dr. Kerry Delaney)
    Low-frequency Stimulation Inducible Long-term Potentiation at the Accessory Olfactory Bulb to Medial Amygdala Synapse of the American Bullfrog
  • Phineas (Finn) Hamilton (PhD, Dr. Steve Perlman)
    Defensive symbiosis in Drosophila: from multiple infections to mechanism of defense
  • Mark Hanson (MSc, Dr. Steve Perlman)
    Immune  evolution in the Immigrans-Tripunctata clade of Drosophila
  • Christina Hodson (MSc, Dr. Steve Perlman)
    Genomic conflict over reproduction in a booklouse (Psocodea: Liposcelis): consequences of a maternally transmitted reproductive manipulator on host ecology and genetics
  • Lisa Rodgers (MSc, Dr. Asit Mazumder)
    Synthesis of Water Quality Data and Modeling Non-Point Loading in Four Coastal B.C. Watersheds: Implications for Lake and Watershed Health and Management
  • Hannah Westlake (MSc, Dr. Louise Page)
    A Comparative Immunohistochemical Study of the Neuromuscular Organization of Haliclystus ‘sanjuanensis’ and Manania handi (Cnidaria: Staurozoa)
  • Rebecca Westley (MSc, Drs. Peter Constabel & Barbara Hawkins)
    Investigating potential physiological roles of condensed tannins in roots of Populus: Localization and distribution in relation to nutrient ion uptake

2015 Summer

  • Kathleen Donaleshen (MSc, Drs. Patrick von Aderkas & Juergen Ehlting)
    Interaction Between the Seed-Chalcid Wasp, Megastigmus spermotrophus and its Host, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
  • Erika Dort (MSc, Dr. Will Hintz)
    Reprogramming the expression of the double-stranded RNA mitovirus OnuMV1c from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm in the fungal pathogen Ophiostoma novo-ulmi
  • Samuel Ferguson (MSc, Dr. Louise Page)
    Ontogenetic Correlation Between Muscle and Nervous System Novelties in a Neritimorph Gastropod
  • Marcos Lagunas (MSc, Dr. Diana Varela)
    Expression and Activity of the Enzyme Nitrate Reductase in the Marine Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana: Light and Nutrient Effects
  • Jennifer Long (MSc, Dr. Diana Varela)
    Shining a Light on Silica Production in the Oceans: Using a Fluorescent Tracer to Measure Silica Deposition in Marine Diatoms
  • Geoffrey Morris (MSc, Dr. Francis Choy)
    Purification and Uptake Studies of Recombinant Human N-α-D-Acetylglucosaminidase from Sf9 Insect Cells
  • Alicia Rippington (MSc, Drs. Sarah Dudas & Louise Page)
    Effects of temperature, salinity and food stress on larval growth and development in Olympia oysters, Ostrea lurida

2015 Spring

  • Laura Braden (PhD, Dr. Ben Koop and Simon Jones)
    Investigating the Molecular Basis for Resistance of the Sea Louse, Lepseophtheirus Salmonis, among Salmonids
  • Russell Chedgy (PhD, Dr. Peter Constabel)
    The role of BAHD acyltransferases in poplar (Populus spp.) secondary metabolism and synthesis of salicinoid phenolic glycosides
  • Lu Guan (PhD,Dr. John Dower)
    Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Larval Fish Assemblages in the Strait of Georgia
  • Daniel Bevan (MSc, Dr. John Dower)
    Spatiotemporal Variability in Fatty Acid Profiles of the Copepod Calanus Marshallae off the West Coast of Vancouver Island