
Funding and tuition

  • All students accepted into the Biology graduate program are guaranteed a minimum annual stipend of $26,000/year as of September 01, 2024, for two years for M.Sc. students, and four years for Ph.D. students,   provided that students are making satisfactory progress as determined by their supervisory   committee. Stipend support comes from a combination of funds from faculty members’   research grants, teaching assistantships, and scholarships and awards. Funding is still available in additional years of the program but the   guaranteed minimum is no longer enforced.
  • Scholarship and Awards:  A number of scholarships and awards are available to Biology   graduate students. Applications are typically in the early fall, and are available to students   that have been admitted to the department.
  • National Scholarships: Applications for NSERC & CIHR Doctoral Scholarships are due in   the fall. Applications for NSERC & CIHR Master’s Scholarships are due Dec. 1. Students that   have applied for NSERC or CIHR Master’s Scholarships (CGS-M) must apply to UVic and identify potential supervisors by February 15.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistantships: Teaching assistantships are available to graduate   students to work as lab instructors. Applications and announcements are available each   term to current students.


For current tuition fees and information, go to this .