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Emergency loan funding

Through Student Awards and Financial Aid, UVic has an emergency loan fund which provides short term assistance to students experiencing an unanticipated and urgent financial crisis. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • exceptional personal living costs
  • unexpected delays in government loans or other award funding

Emergency loans are not intended as a regular supplement or substitute for traditional forms of student financial aid such as government student assistance, scholarships, bursaries, family support etc. Therefore, all students applying for emergency funding are expected to have a reasonable financial plan in place to cover normal school expenses, including tuition and living expenses, at the beginning of each academic session.

Students applying for an emergency loan must be interviewed by a Financial Aid Officer and must sign a loan agreement. Law students may apply to the Faculty of Law for emergency funding.

To qualify

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Be currently registered in a minimum 60% of a full course load (40% for students with a permanent disability) per term for undergraduate students. For information on registration status for graduate students please refer to the definition of full time status as outlined in the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Have a demonstrated financial need and a secured source of repayment
  • Have repaid any previous emergency loans

The due date of the emergency loan will be no more than 3 months following the date the loan is issued (including extensions). Overdue emergency loans will be subject to a 2% interest charge per month. Students with unpaid loans will have a hold placed on their access to university services including the ability to register and/or receive transcripts.

Students may only receive one emergency loan each academic year. Emergency loans which remain unpaid more than 90 days will be submitted for collection.

Any student who has defaulted on previous emergency loans and/or gone to collection will have no further access to this fund. 

Application forms are only available after an appointment with a Financial Aid Officer in Student Awards & Financial Aid, Second Floor, Jamie Cassels Centre.