
Jennifer Swift

Jennifer Swift
Finance & Special Projects Manager
Office: SED C187
Jennifer Swift is the Project Manager at the Centre for Global Studies. Jennifer first joined CFGS in 2006 as a Research Assistant. She has been involved with research and project management for multiple interdisciplinary projects including projects focused on: the G20 and summit reform, the Arab Spring, energy security, and low carbon energy futures.

Jennifer currently provides office management and support for CFGS, is responsible for the CFGS website and communications, and is an active member of the events team.

Jennifer completed an Honours BA in International Comparative Studies and Sociology at the University of Western Ontario. She has been actively involved in development projects overseas in Costa Rica and Belize. In addition, she is an avid traveler, traveling extensively through Europe, South East Asia, Central America and Africa increasing her understanding of culture, lifestyle and the impacts of globalization and development.

A Vancouver native, Jennifer decided Victoria is a great place to continue personal growth and learning. Jennifer feels extremely fortunate to have found CFGS not long after her arrival in Victoria. It is the dynamic team of wonderful individuals coupled with the many interesting research projects that have kept her happily working at CFGS for so many years.

When she isn't at CFGS you can find her in Baja Mexico working hard towards her dream of opening a Spanish language school; occasionally you might also find her relaxing on the beach.