
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly

Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly
Project Lead, Associate Fellow, Co-Director (EUS)
Office: SED C194

Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly joined CFGS in the Fall of 2011. He has been with the School of Public Administration since 2001. He is a political scientist, specializing in comparative and urban politics. He worked for the French public sector for 10 years, including postings with the French Small Business Administration and the Nord Pas-de-Calais Regional Council. Prior to his appointment at UVic, Emmanuel was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario from 1999-2000, and Assistant Director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the University of Notre Dame from 2000-2001.
At UVic’s School of Public Administration he is Jean Monnet Chair in European Urban and Border Region Policy, Director of the European Studies minor and of the European Union Centre for Excellence. He is also co-director of the Local Government Institute, and the editor of Journal of Borderland Studies. His key research areas are: Comparative Urban Governance and Governance of Cross-border Regions.