
Nicole Bates-Eamer

Nicole Bates-Eamer
Associate Director
CIFAL Victoria

Nicole Bates-Eamer is the Associate Director for CIFAL Victoria. A UN Institute for Teaching and Research centre, CIFAL Victoria delivers training and research activities to advance and amplify UVic's commitments to the SDGs and UNDRIP. This aligns with Nicole’s expertise and experience at UVic and globally, and with her diverse research and teaching interests which are driven by a commitment to creating a more equitable, resilient, and inclusive world. She is interested in applied research on decision-making and governance, public policy, and the impacts of climate change on communities and well-being.  With a passion for teaching, Nicole brings energy, empathy, and respect for diverse learning styles to the courses, workshops, and seminars she instructs.

Prior to CFGS, Nicole worked in UN refugee camps in Tanzania with Right To Play, studied International Affairs (MA) at Carleton University, taught English in South Korea, and studied history and chemistry (BA) at the University of Memphis.

Nicole completed her PhD in Political Science (UVic) in 2022; her dissertation examined policies and narratives regarding the intersections of climate change and human mobilities and the conceptual disconnect between climate-related mobilities domestically and internationally. Since 2023, she has held a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Dr. Heather Castleden’s Health, Environment, and Communities Lab (UVic) where she has been leading a CIHR project on climate displacement and health – exploring the role of and impact on public health in preparing for and responding to BC’s evacuations from floods and wildfires.