
Olha Chaplia

Olha Chaplia
Visiting Post-Doc

Visiting Post-Doc

Olha Chaplia is a Visiting Graduate Student Fellow at the Centre for Global Studies and a PhD Candidate in Philology at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. Prior to her doctoral studies, she received her BA and MA in Philology and her MA in Theology from the Ukrainian Catholic University.

Her research interests include the literature of the Ukrainian Middle Ages, especially the peculiarities of early sermons, and the Baroque, especially metaphysical poetry. Olha's thesis, supervised by Pr. Nazar Fedorak, is focused on the study of the first work of Ukrainian literature and is entitled: "Poetics and rhetoric of the Sermon on Law and Grace of Metropolitan Ilarion." The study examines historical, literary, and theological aspects of the masterpiece written in Kyiv in the first half of the 11th century.