
Sandrine Chartray

Sandrine Chartray
Sandrine Chartray worked with the CFGS as a summer intern (June-July). She grew up in Montreal, Quebec, and is now a rising senior at Harvard College studying Governmnent and Economics. She will be assisting with various projects, including POLIS and BIG. Her interests primarily lie at the intersection of international relations, public policy and macroeconomics, and she is currently writing her honors senior thesis on the decline of Canada’s participation in the United Nations peacekeeping missions in the 1990s.

At Harvard, she is involved in various international youth empowerment initiatives, works as a Research Assistant at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, and leads the First-year Outdoor Program (FOP). She is looking forward to getting immersed in the Centre’s multidisciplinary projects and connect with its people while discovering the West Coast!