
Sarah Marie Wiebe

Sarah Marie Wiebe
2022 Faculty Fellow

Sarah Marie Wiebe is a Faculty Research Fellow with the Centre for Global Studies and an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Administration at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. She primarily teaches in the Community Development program and her research focuses on environmental justice, public engagement and community-engaged research. During her fellowship with the Centre for Global Studies, she will be developing a research program that investigates relationships between climate emergency declarations and democratic participation as well as convening the CEDAR Co-lab (Climate Emergency and Design for Alternative Realities) while reflecting on and applying a design justice lens to collaborative research. Our group of undergraduate, graduate, community and faculty researchers will come together monthly to discuss . Sarah is a board member with the , author of the forthcoming book with UBC Press Life against States of Emergency: Revitalizing Treaty Relations from Attawapiskat and leads a research team examining vulnerabilities to extreme heat exposure events in the Capital Regional District. Drawing upon her lived-experience, she is currently writing a manuscript entitled Hot Mess: Becoming a Mother during a Code Red Climate Emergency, under contract with Fernwood Press.

More information about Sarah's research interests is available at . Feel free to follow her on twitter @smwiebe. If you are interested in joining the CEDAR Co-lab and reading group, please reach out to Sarah at: .