
Shefa Siegel

Shefa  Siegel
Associate Fellow
Area of expertise

Centre for Global Studies

Shefa Siegal’s research covers a wide range of topics such as global governance, mercury pollution, and conflict in informal economies. 

He currently teaches global politics and runs the global affairs dialogue series at Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific. Previously, he was a research-scholar at UBC’s Liu Institute for Global Issues and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment. For more than a decade, he worked as a practitioner in international cooperation specializing in resource governance, economic development, and the environment. Shefa has worked in 15 countries and published essays, articles and reviews about environment, mining, religion, and music in Ethics & International Affairs, Americas Quarterly, Haaretz, Environment 360, and Sojourners

Shefa is currently studying the history of mining and writing a book, “The Origin of Avarice: A Moral History of Mining” about the relationship between mining and greed, our understanding of scarcity, and how scarcity affects humanity and the environment.