
Sherry Da

Sherry Da
Water Leaders and Special Projects Coordinator
POLIS Water Sustainability Project

Sherry’s work largely focused on supporting and convening the growing B.C. Water Leaders and Funders’ Network, ensuring all members of the network are informed, connected, and strategically engaging on opportunities to advance water policy and law reform or implement watershed governance initiatives.

Sherry is interested in exploring and addressing watershed management issues through the intersections of justice, equity, and decolonization. Her experience working and studying in India and Singapore helped her understand the connection between local and global issues—how local projects can be scaled to influence international change, and how international decisions can affect the daily lives of the most remote villagers. She takes this broad view when considering watershed management and policy issues, since water cannot be separated by boundaries and maps.

Her other environmental interests include textile waste reduction, deforestation, and rising sea levels, all of which tie back to sustainable usage and management of water. Sherry completed a BA in International Relations at UBC.