
Katie Dey

Katie Dey
2021-2022 CFGS Financial Assistant

Katie Dey has been working at UVic since 2017 and is excited to join the CFGS team. Katie also works down the hall at CAPI, and enjoys the variety of projects and people that come through a busy research centre. Katie emigrated to Canada from Scotland after graduating from DJCAD (Dundee, Scotland) with a BFA in Fine Art Printmaking. In her spare time she is an amateur potter and teaches classes in Printmaking.

Katie is joining us from our “next door neighbour” in Sedgewick at the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) where she will continue in her capacity at ¾ time. Katie has joined the CFGS team on a part-time basis to help us liaise with ORS and research accounting, as well as prepare contract agreements, purchase orders, Webreqs, student support payments, honorariums etc.