
Marshall Adams

Marshall Adams
2021-2022 Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow

Marshall Adams was a visiting fellow at UVic's Centre for Global Studies,  post-doctoral researcher, and a  grant recipient. Marshall has over 10 years’ experience in sustainable forest management practices, forest governance, policy evaluation and impact monitoring. In Ghana, he worked for the Forestry Commission, providing technical support to several cross-cutting national programs and projects such as FLEGT VPA process and REDD+.  As a US Government Exchange Scholar of Forest and Wildlife Crimes with the US Forest Service International Program, he worked to provide inclusive answers on critical policy-engaged and practical-relevant global issues that require a capacity from the experience of an expert from the Global South. 

In 2020, he graduated from the Antioch University New England, USA, with MSc and PhD in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies.  He also holds a MSc degree in Environmental Resources Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, with a special focus on intersection of natural resource policy and governance.