
Julian Yates

Julian Yates
2020-2021 Visiting Scholar

Julian Yates is a Lecturer in Human Geography at Monash University, Australia, and an Australia Research Council (ARC) Discover Early Career Research Fellow. As a community-engaged political ecologist and development geographer, his research lies at the intersection of the politics of Indigenous knowledge, inter-cultural adult education, rural development policy, planning, and practice, and environmental governance. 

His main research project, Indigenous Environmental Futures, focuses on inter-cultural and cross-sectoral collaboration and learning among Indigenous Rangers in Australia and Indigenous Guardians and First Nations Water Operators in BC. He is also involved in an ARC-funded project titled "Mapping the contributions of community reuse organizations to the circular economy”, in which his work focuses on the labour at community re-use organizations. Since 2010, he has also been conducting collaborative research with Indigenous knowledge-sharers in the Peruvian Andes (known as ‘kamayoq’), where he is currently exploring their role in supporting alpaca herder associations.